Please support your local hunt sabs, and look into how to start getting involved.

There’s a video I want to share but we are going to the media with it first so can’t post it on social media yet.
My heart is heavy this evening.

the hunt fired two shots at a running fox and missed both times. the hounds caught up with the fox in a field and mauled and ripped them apart until they died. a brave sab ran to retrieve the body and took it away from the hounds.

After we retrieved the body it was quickly ripped away from us by two violent terriermen.
A sab tried to hold onto the body but the terriermen grabbed the fox by his/her head and were prepared to rip it apart in order to get it away from sabs.

Full report and footage to follow.

more images of the terrier men after they stole the fox from us
when they saw the phone pointed at them, they attempted to hide the mangled body from view (it’s legal to kill a fox with a gunshot but illegal to let hounds rip them to shreds like they did here)

There are reasons that violent, law breaking hunts rarely have to face up to their crimes.
Look at this pic of @NorfolkPolice getting cosy with a terrierman.
These people have friends in high places.

The body can be taken for a post mortem to determine whether they were killed by hounds (illegal) or a gunshot (legal).
If the hunt keep the body, they use it for a trophy or throw it to the hounds to be devoured.
On the same day, three terriermen from the Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt threw rocks at a West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteur vehicle, smashing the windscreen.
These people are violent and base.

Are you going to do something about it? Someone has to stand up to these people.
Join the next generation of sabs.🦊

I now hang my head in shame knowing I am a member of this university.

“Riding should never be attempted on ice. Horses do not handle ice well. Horses can easily fracture a leg.”
“Frozen, uneven ground can easily bruise the bottom of the foot. Ice is a particularly treacherous situation.”
this is their noble “sport”.
• the boy in the vid is Danny Boyle who was involved in the assault of 2 sabs last week
• poor horse being made to ride into people
• FUN FACT: If you have a gun and see a sab in front of you and decide to shoot anyway that is YOUR FAULT
this irresponsible behaviour could cause pregnant ewes to miscarry. hunts aren’t just a danger to foxes.

Sadly, about 4 hours later, the hunt (who were growing increasingly frustrated and angry) illegally killed a fox using hounds.
• a hunt member mocks sabs
• hounds pick up on the scent of a fox and go into cry at the bottom of the hill
• sabs at the top of the hill try to call off the hounds
• no gun was fired in the 5 mins before the poor fox body was found, indicating an illegal kill
I’m sorry our efforts didn’t pull the hounds off your scent.
I’m sorry we couldn’t save you.
“My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.”

An intense dig-out ensued with a group of sabs laying on top of holes with 20 hounds digging around us.

We hate the HUNT, not the HOUNDS 💚✨

(second and third photos are from North West and Manchester sabs)

they’re just doing what they’ve been taught to do. They are as innocent as the foxes they pursue and rip to shreds. I am sorry for them all.

I was being driven home in a car with 4 other sabs. We were nearly back in Edinburgh when we stopped at a petrol station.
As the driver was filling up the car, another car pulled in next to us, driven by a man in a tan balaclava (...)
The driver got out and filled up their car, neither of them took off their face covering and they were watching us the whole time (...)
When our sab walked in, they got a good look at the masked man. When they made eye contact the man pulled the fabric up to cover more of his face(...)
Our sab driver spoke to the station worker and gesticulated towards the masked men in the car, and they immediately drove away(...)
We set off and drove for about 15 more minutes and thought that what had happened was bizarre but was probably a coincidence until we looked behind us(...)
Even though we had waited 5-10 mins after they left the station they had ended up BEHIND us again.
We took a few more turns and they followed each time until we lost them on a busy roundabout(...)
The car was a silver vauxhall with ladders attached to the roof. We have noted down the reg number.
All this could be a coincidence, but it certainly didn't feel like it. Who masks up to pay for petrol?!(...)

Watch as their hounds SLIP AND FALL THROUGH THE ICE ON A SMALL LAKE. It was horrendous watching them put so many animals in danger. ❄️
the hounds are so wonderful, bless them. I was so happy when one came to say hello 🐶
Citronella is an easy to use and effective tool. The hounds hunt with their nose and if you can disguise the scent of a fox it makes it much harder for them to pursue one.
This little guy got away. My heart is happy this week. 🦊🌟💫

This was one of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life so please excuse the terrible filming!
A terrified fox runs for their life with the hunt in eyeshot.
We monitored the area until the hunt left for the day. I hope this guy lives a long, hunt-free life.
We are trying our best. It’s easy to feel downtrodden thinking about how there are so many of them and so few of us, but we still save foxes, despite the odds.
Join. Sab. Donate. 🦊

We showed up at Berwickshire kennels before the hound van even set off. Hunt members saw our car, called the police on us, and then cancelled the hunt & didn’t leave the kennels all day.
The best possible outcome for us! Easy peasy, 0 foxes killed

Most likely it was due to frustration. Despite being violent to us, trying/failing to get us in trouble with the police, and attempting to intimidate us by following us home, we continue to sab them.✊️

Ironically it was a member of her hunt that followed us home for 45 miles and then parked up outside the pub just to glare at us and then drive all the way back home. Incredible.

The poor horse is thrashing about in the box 😥

today we filmed Fife Foxhounds hunting illegally (but failing to kill) and we think the footage is clear enough to go to the police 👍 we also have footage of Galpin loading a shotgun when stood facing sabs who were few feet away 👹

In a SURREAL turn of events, we ended up sitting and having a civil discussion with huntman Johnny Riley.
We had a camera crew with us & have some very interesting parts of the conversation on tape.

This year Johnny was convicted of illegal hunting. He readily admitted to things like killing hounds when they’re no longer useful & that he knows people who would continue to hunt illegally if a real ban is put in place

It was bizarre to sit and talk with a hunt member in a calm and controlled way, but it is a reminder that we sab because we want to save foxes, not to pick fights.

Horses, foxes and even a hound have sadly died because of the Boxing Day hunts. The reports are all coming in and it’s heartbreaking.

Another victim from today. This pic is awful but needs to be seen.
The hunts will lie and say they only hunt artificial trails. The hunts will lie and say that when the hounds DO catch a fox, it’s a “quick nip to the back of the neck.”
This speaks volumes.

The horse in the 1st pic was one of 2 who died of a heart attack. Sabs comforted him as he died at the Burton Hunt in Sleaford.
The second was taken at West Kent Hunt. We don’t know if the horse survived.

“The Scalphunters” posted saying they’re not associated w/ sabs. They look to be a troll page.
Angry words on sab pages do not discredit sab work. I disagree with these ugly comments but people who comment on pages are not necessarily hunt sabs.

A fox torn apart by Cheshire Forest Hunt.
A hound killed on a dual carriageway in Risca, South Wales -down the road from where Tredegar Farmers Hunt had their Boxing Day meet.

27 out-of-control hounds killed a defenceless 18 yr old cat. The hunt stole her body and returned her in a dog food bag.

This happened during a supposed “trail hunt”.
Don’t listen to the hunt’s lies - “trail hunting” is a con. Countless animals still die as the hunt flouts the law.

Another victim from the Boxing Day Hunt - a fox needlessly killed under the guise of “trail hunting”.
If anyone tries to tell you that no animals die during trail hunting, show them this.
I don’t enjoy sharing gorey photos, but people need to know the truth.