They dont
Selling assets is complicated, value is complicated, net worth is complicated
and actually sometimes a bit nebulous
So for the most part no, no one *has* a billion dollars
How do you tax Bezos on 107.9 Billion dollars when it is almost entirely tied to Amazon stock?
Selling too much stock will lower the price and could shake the company.
Its mostly Amazon stock
His income for 2018 was 1.68M which included securities and benefits
His salary was about $81,000
Even at 1% wealth tax youre assuming he could liquidate 1.07 billion dollars in cash to cover that
there'd have to be a billion dollars in immediate demand for the stock
the stock price would need to remain static, it won't
Selling a billion dollars in stock will drop the price and bring a diminishing return per stock sold
Its about starting a foreign company and investing there to avoid a heavy wealth tax that cant be paid.
Imagine if Amazon started in Russia