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President Trump just Retruthed the submission video of the countries that submitted to him when he became President!

Here's the link:…

Here are the pic's of the submissions from the video if you cannot get on Truth Social!

#DarkToLight ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
We were discussing time displacement, Tesla and free energy on a space last night and I wanted to share some information I put together. All I can say is take it or leave it. I found some of the theories to be somewhat fascinating.

Thread 👇
VK kept posting about time travel and with one of his recent posts some dots really connected...this is not the entire clip but you get the idea.
Then recalling this.... Image
Read 20 tweets
🚨*The @JournalStarNews Utilizes the Nebraska Freedom Coalition's Reporting*🚨
A special prosecutor has been named to review the break-in and burglary of the @NEGOP - you can read more on that below 👇 /1 Image
Some points of interest to take away, and maybe the @Lincoln_Police Department could consider further:

-"Break-in" is used 6 times in this story
-"Stolen" and "Burglary" are both used as well
Do those words have meaning 🤔 /2
The key here is break-in, theft & burglary are the minor parts of the crime. The root of the crime is what the break-in was meant to conceal 👀
It wasn’t the way old NEGOP kept records & conducted business, which would have made a poorly run fraternity house look stellar 🤡 /3
Read 6 tweets
Der 21.12. rückt näher und es wird Zeit uns langsam darauf einzuschwingen. Der Countdown dazu hat übrigens schon vor Monaten mit entsprechenden Aktivierungen begonnen. Nun kommen wir auf die Zielgerade dieses Jahrhundertereignisses. #AgeOfAquarius #JupiterSaturnConjunction
Der 21. Dezember ist ganz klassisch der Tag der Wintersonnenwende. Sie findet am 21.12. um 11.02 Uhr MEZ auch ganz normal statt und markiert den Zeitpunkt an dem die Sonne auf der Nordhalbkugel ihren tiefsten Stand erreicht. Doch das ist nicht alles. #WinterSolstice #DarkToLight
Wir erleben zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch den kürzesten Tag und die längste Nacht des Jahres. Für drei Tage ruht die Sonne in dieser schützenden Dunkelheit bevor das #Licht wieder geboren wird. Damit erinnert sie uns daran, wo unser eigenes Licht zuhause ist: in der #Stille ! #Frieden
Read 8 tweets
📢Y así, sin despeinarse, tueter censura al Presidente de los Estados Unidos...
Está denunciando Fraude Electoral, con pruebas!
La TV y las BigTech manipulan, te miente a diario y nadie las censura

Si le hacen esto a @POTUS que no te harán a tí, pequeño ser "pagaimpuestos"
🤔Que qué pruebas?
Estas son sólo algunas...
Amén de las decenas de noticias sobre irregularidades durante la distribución y entrega de votos por correo ImageImageImageImage
Otro ejemplo, abriendo, mirando y tirando papeletas a la basura...
Read 72 tweets
El New York Post nos cuenta otro escándalo de Biden y su hijo Hunter🤷‍♂️
Extorsión, amenazas con retener fondos públicos, enriquecimiento personal, tráfico de influencias...
#BurismaBiden… buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons&__twitter_impression=true
Los rumores llevan mucho tiempo, pero ahora hay fotos, e-mails e incluso un vídeo.
📢Biden usó su poder como VP de Obama para presionar a la empresa Burisma y enchufar a su hijo
🤯50.000$ AL MES como ejecutivo de la compañía de gas Ucraniana sin tener ni idea🤔 (como en España)
Se obtuvo de un portátil que se dejó para reparar y nunca reclamaron.

📺vídeo de Hunter fumando crack mientras practica sexo
✔Numerosas fotos de contenido sexual
📺Vídeo donde reconoce sus problemas con las adicciones

#Burisma #CreepyJoe Image
Read 41 tweets
NOM – Nova Ordem Mundial
Conhecidos por ILLUMINATI e outros nomes, os Teoristas atribuem a eles a implantação da NOM.
•Quais são as 13 principais famílias?
•Quais são as principais Sociedades Secretas?
•A quem servem e qual o seu plano?
•O que controlam?

Siga a Thread
1)Agenda da NOM
2)Berry Smith, da Austrália, escreveu em seu livro Aviso Final p. 9, “Existem 13 famílias ou grupos liderando o plano do Governo Mundial:

Read 40 tweets
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.''

~Matthew 6:22 #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #QAnon #DarkToLight ImageImage
The angel gives him a new name and identity as Israel, “one who has prevailed with God.” Jacob asks to know the angel’s name, but he just gives a blessing and leaves. Alone again, Jacob marvels, “I have seen God face to face and lived.” #BlueAngel #Michael
Read 6 tweets
CLONES [Thread]

Já existe tecnologia para fabricar clones humanos?

Utilizam de sósias ou outros recursos para substituírem pessoas?

Vamos mergulhar fundo nesta Toca do Coelho?

Prepare-se para uma dose extra de #redpill

Fonte: Telegram @saiadamatrixbr
1) Teoristas da Conspiração dizem que a clonagem é real e ocorre desde 1945, intensificando na década de 80.
Um Clone é um ser biológico idêntico a outro, criado artificialmente através de reprodução assexuada e manipulação genética.
2)Existem 3 tipos:
a)REPLICANTES: Implantado no útero da mulher de uma única célula retirada do corpo original crescendo naturalmente. Tem sua própria alma, personalidade e tempo de vida normal.
Read 27 tweets
Let's make something perfectly clear #ShadowGate #FreeMillieWeaver effects EVERY ONE OF US!
Do I personally trust AJones or Infowars…..?
The truth is still the TRUTH.
I don't give a shit who @TweetWordz uses as a megaphone.... The point is to GET THE MESSAGE OUT
2/ This is a documentary that needs to be seen by EVERYONE. Every bit can be verified - despite what they'd like you to believe.
Some will even admit, "we knew all this". Sure did. But having the whole scam laid out in a way that even those who knew little could follow. PRICELESS
3/ To all the BIG name content creators who won't touch this & MSM covering utter nonsense instead of #ShadowGate / #FreeMillieWeaver.... you don't deserve your platforms.

Doing the right thing is never easy, it's not suppose to be - So I ask.... What are you fighting for?
Read 8 tweets
TurnTurnTurn video

Fly Like an Eagle

TurnTurnTurn video

Bad Medicine

TurnTurnTurn video

Land of Confusion

Psychological Manipulation (projection)


Too big for Twitter - watch on YouTube
Read 13 tweets
1. Here is my second attempt at decoding the #Bible using Q’s method of communication, hopefully this will lead to another mini biblical #boom for the edification of the church.
2. Those who have followed Q’s communication closely know that Q creates connections to Q’s post using various methods (gematria, timestamps, image filenames and so forth)
3. As we are approaching #DarktoLight, let us examine how significant it is being the Children of Light.
“For ye were once darkness, but are now light in the Lord: walk as Children of Light”
Ephesians 5:8
Read 14 tweets
I am an ex Q follower and ex Trump supporter. The purpose of this page is to prove that Trump is NOT on our side, which, in turn, debunks the #qanon theory. This is going to be a very long thread with different reasons why I came to this conclusion.
Read 185 tweets
1. To all #Qanons who reads the Bible, allow me to decode the #Bible and I hope this will end with a little mini BIBLICAL #BOOM!
2. Q comms are highly inspired by the #Bible. It is not a coincidence that the majority of Anons are Christians or spiritually sensitive men and women.
3. Q uses many phrases over and over again to crystalize a point.
“Future proves past”
“Learn our comms”

The #Bible has many similar phrases as well.
“”That it might be fulfilled”
“Thus, you know that I am the Lord”
“He who has an ear, let him hear!”

A sample below Image
Read 30 tweets
We just passed the 100k barrier of subscribers on our YouTube Channel, a fast growing Spanish speaking audience that is watching from all over the world what the USA is going through and seeing that everything they experienced in their countries is being applied now to America. Image
This put us in a big responsibility to keep on presenting the facts and trying to show our brothers and sisters around the world that the American people is the last stand against the Invisible Enemy that is dying, one that tried to slave the whole planet and...
that its fighting till it's last breath. We want to thank here all our Twitter friends and we take this responsibility with a big honor, showing the Spanish speaking world that the fight is real and that there is hope not just for America but for the whole planet
Read 5 tweets
#QAnon @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @parscale

Who was the New Black Panther Party?

Where are they now?

What is the punishment for voter intimidation?

Do you get punished if you intimidated for those who win?

Should you?
Why did to Obama Administration obstruct their prosecution?
What did Eric Holder have to say on the matter?…

Who is Malik Zulu Shabazz?
Where is he?
Where was he?…

#TrustThePlan @DonaldJTrumpJr #ArmyForTrump #CHOP
Read 10 tweets
1) The Rodney King beating was a Masonic Ritual, same as George Floyd.

Here’s a quick look at the symbols and patterns surrounding the event and the bad actors involved.

Please share this, let’s wake people up! #QAnon
2) Rituals hit key dates. On March 3, 1991, Rodney King led police on a high speed chase through LA. Driving drunk and on probation, once stopped, King was beaten by police in this now infamous footage. A criminal martyr. Sound familiar?🤔 March 3 (33)
3) In the brutal footage, which was broadcast repeatedly for over a year as the trial progressed, King was struck 33 times with the police baton. Coincidence? Nope...
Read 17 tweets
I have a BOOM theory about POTUS tweet today for May 30th. If I'm correct on it... it will be a MEGA BOOM! Fingers are crossed! I mapped out the whole thing, then just to make it easier to enlarge, I broke it down into 3 sections. Here it is:
Read 16 tweets
HILO. Para los que no saben que es #ObamaGate y #Qanon
1-El presidente #Obama en 2016 espió a #Trump usando al FBI, la CIA, la NSA y al Reino Unido para impedir que ganara las elecciones presidenciales y hacerle una fraudulenta transferencia del poder a #Hillary
2-Esto jamás había ocurrido en la historia de Estados Unidos, y es algo de carácter gravísimo pues que un presidente de USA invalide y bloquee la decisión del pueblo estadounidense es para que lo ejecuten en Guantánamo en un Tribunal Militar por traición a la patria y al pueblo
3-El alto general del ejército Michael Flynn (héroe)@GenFlynn y el Almirante Michael Rogers (héroe) sabiendo lo que ocurría desobedecieron a Obama y entonces Rogers "escapándose del Pentágono" fue en secreto a la Trump Tower a avisarles que los Obama los estaban espiando.
Read 93 tweets
If Justyne Trudeau was a real man and actually wanted to protect Canadians, especially the country’s doctors and nurses, he would call President Trump and arrange a deal to buy N95 masks from one (or more) of the great US companies making them. Instead, he bought KN95 masks from
China, the creator of the COVID_19 #CCPVirus, that are not only built to substandard NON-medical specs...but were so defective upon arrival they fell apart when opened. The other deal he made with China resulted in Canadian plane being turned back when pick-up was attempted.
The plane returned completely empty. All of this after he initially shipped 17 tons of Canada’s stockpiled PPE to China! My mom’s neurologist told her today he has no masks at all, nor do any doctors/nurses working in the hospital.
Read 16 tweets

Sherman / Apotex not about generic HCQ?
Possibly it is about ferriprox / Deferiprone ??

Uncloak the enemy?
Bait the enemy?
Covid cure or vax?

#qanons #qanon #DarkToLight #WWG1GWA @Tore_says @intheMatrixxx @RedPill78 #Adrenochrome Image
--Adrenochrome=excess iron
--covid=excess iron
--double whammy for adreno users
--hiv1 delivery?
--Ferriprox =Iron reducer, adreno side effect drug of choice?
--Ferriprox=zinc deficiency, covid19 vulnerable
Conspiracy theories.

Ferriprox,coated capsule oral iron treatment of choice for adreno users.

1. bad guys wanted to remove worldwide license and distribution from Apotex?

2. white hats took over,use it to infect w potent covid on adreno users?, Shermans still alive?
Read 25 tweets
Is it just another coincidence ,that the pentagon was built,
September 11 - 1941 ?

Exactly 60 years to the day of 9/11?🤔

#Cabal #TheMoreYouKnow #OsamaBinLaden Image
The 9-11 emergency dialing code was 1st used 1968 , whitehouse office of telecommunications issued a national statement supporting the use of 9-11 in 1973?

World trade centre construction started 1968
and opened its doors in 1973 🤨

Is it a coincidence? #TheMoreYouKnow ImageImage
Is this french Israeli war medal released 1967 a coincidence? It’s marked 999 on the rim 🧐 coincidence? #CabalTakedown #DarkToLight #TheMoreYouKnow ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
What the f%$&$!!!!

A plan from 2005 to vaccine people with the VMAT2 Gene.

What is the VMAT2 Gene you might be wondering?

Watch "Leaked Pentagon Video 2005 - Vaccine for religious fundamentalism (FunVacs)" on YouTube
Geneticist Dean Hamer has suggested that a particular allele of the VMAT2 gene correlates with spirituality using data from a smoking survey, which included questions intended to measure "self-transcendence".…
The VMAT2 Gene is in other words called the GOD Gene.
Read 20 tweets
Media-bashing robocalls, chloroquine Twitter trolls, briefing-room propaganda—my story on the Orwellian campaign of revisionist history to convince voters Trump was right about the coronavirus all along:…
Six weeks ago, Trump was telling a crowd of supporters in South Carolina there was no reason to worry about the coronavirus.

Now, more than 25,000 Americans have died and he's recasting himself as a pandemic prophet. The revisionism is dystopian.…
Late last month, as shelter-in-place orders went into effect, people across the country started receiving robocalls attacking the media's coverage of Trump. I looked into it after a woman in Texas described it for me. Turns out they were from the NRCC:…
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