1st thought: Love this engaging ad ❤️
Further discovery: DSC is leaving so much on the table 😰
A critical thread 👇
My teeth aren’t straight, despite 2 rounds of braces (and a v strong teenage attitude about wearing retainers). 🤷♀️
I’ve considered aligners quite a bit.
From all angles, I’m disappointed in the delivery.
I’m inclined to call it lazy content, but I’ll go with “shallow” for today. Let’s examine the process.
Why not consider every engaged snapchat user a “potential” candidate and remove the barrier?
This isn’t exclusive, it’s eliminating.
Actually I already think I am a candidate.
Why would I give you my email to tell me what I already know?
Note: This headline copy is also very shallow. I'll get to this.

Wait. Why did I give you my email, then? This journey is unclear.
And we’re still determining *if* SDC is right for me?
I’m feeling less and less connected by the second (and seconds count, especially on mobile).
“Every smile is beautiful, how can we make you fall in love with yours again?”
Again…? What results?! I thought they were emailed to me on step 1…. No?
SDC, do you remember going to the orthodontist? The dentist? Was a "tooth test" ever fun?
Do you remember getting tests graded in school? Was that ever an exciting experience?
Or was it…. Nerve-wracking…

This felt more like a job interview than a brand introduction.

Here’s how it works.
Here’s where to go next.
Don’t wanna do that? Order this instead.
Here’s how it works (video form)
Here’s how to do molds.
Here’s why ppl love us.
I got three(?!) identical emails, threaded together.
-Here’s how it works
Starting with this copy....

This could be really great content… if it was personally delivered at the right time...
Say, after your customer gets their 3D imprint made, you use this to *actually* show the progress??
Also, this just grosses me out. 😷
How it works.
Get it now.
Take another test.
See if you pass the test.
How it works.
[social proof, yay!]
...Seeing a trend?
If you made it this far, you probably want the latter, eh? 😉
Remember this breakdown of YogaClub? You’re gonna hear a lot of similar things today.
Instead of 👉 "How do we make the best customer journey with our product?"
You have to think 👉 "How can our brand/product naturally integrate into and support the journey our customers are *already* on?"
👉 What is the hell your customers are living in, and how can you bring them unto heaven?
A fourth way: What’s the story your target audience is currently living in?
Then, how can you agitate the hell out of it, dig into that hell, make them realize how bad it really is, AND THEN offer them your heaven.
I don’t think the price of braces is the story.
I definitely don’t think “what do I do about my crooked teeth?” is the hell they’re living in.
If I'm being brutally honest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I soft-smile first, always.
When I brush my teeth next to my perfect toothed- never forgot to wear his retainers- husband...sometimes, I have to walk away from the mirror. 😂
etc. etc.
Look how cute she is here!

There are deep, scary emotions that come up from crooked teeth.
There are past scars from being made fun of. Confidence that feels struck down. Fear of new experiences and people.
And yet… DSC focuses on the how, the price, and the next steps with frontline content.
Connect to the *story* their customers are currently living in.
WHY would someone want to fix their smile (beyond vanity)? What is the emotional tolls crooked teeth takes on ppl?
@tracksmith -Losing on race day
@casper-Sitting wide awake at 2 am, unable to sleep
@blume -Feeling uncomfortable in your changing body
You should know their ups, downs, heavens, and (most importantly) their hell.
Focus on the story.
Focus on the journey.
Let your brand shine so your products can sell.