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Apr 4th 2021
(1/12) #OTD in 2017, an air strike hit the town of #KhanShaykhun in #Syria, releasing large amounts of the nerve agent #sarin. It killed dozens of people, including children, and injured hundreds. Today, we remember the victims of this #warcrime.
(2/12) The OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism concluded with confidence that the sarin identified in samples taken from Khan Shaykhun had most likely been made with a precursor from the original Syrian stockpile. 👉…
(3/12) On April 8 2020, the #OPCW Investigation & Identification Team released its report into 3 #chemicalweapons attacks in #Ltamenah on March 24, 25 & 30, 2017. It concluded with confidence that individuals from the Syrian Air Force perpetrated them. 👉…
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Dec 1st 2020
1/6 Thread on chemical attacks in #Syria. As yesterday was The Day Of Remembrance For All Victims Of Chemical Warfare, I remember the #KhanShaykhun's horrific attack, when I rushed to hospitals, I found dozens of injured civilians dying, and the medical staff unable to help.
2/6 On 4 April 2017, a warplane took off from Shayrat Air Base, which is under the control of Russian-backed government forces, targeting the town of Khan Shaykhun, south of #Idlib province, at 6:30 morning with chemicals, killing 90 civilians and wounding 541 others.
3/6 “The attack were near my brother's house, when I tried to save people, I fell like them,” an injured who died days later said

“Even Civil Defense @SyriaCivilDef teams and paramedics were injured,” another injured I interviewed him in this video said…
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Aug 19th 2019
Reports say #SAA is taking control over #KhanShaykhun. It happens despite #Turkey's attempts to re-enforce militants & deploy more of its own forces to the area. It seems Ankara is late.
TRK might try to fight back if it doesn't have a deal with #Russia which is doubtfulŃŽ
Today while in #France #Putin said: We are observing constant raids from #Idlib (incl Khmeymim), & moreover we r seeing militants moving from there to other parts of the world... We support #Syrian_Army efforts to carry out local operations to neutralize terrorist threats.
There are reports about #Syria|n-#Russia|n airstrikes on Maarat an-Numan. It seems after taking over #KhanSheikhoun #SAA w/#Russia's support continue its quest to take M4 & M5 highways under their control. Very likely it is exactly what #Putin & #Erdogan agreed on yesterday.
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