But, there's some REALLY interesting data coming out that suggests that we might want to rethink that assumption #WCPG2019 #GCchat 4/n
Summary: receiving high genetic risk results can affect outcomes like objective measures of cognition, cardiorespiratory physiology, and mood #WCPG2019 #GCchat 5/n
In some instances (e.g. 23andme PRS reports for diabetes) "absolute risk" is reported (big font on p1)....but on p6 (of a 14 page report), you find mention of the concept of AUC #WCPG2019 #GCchat 6/n
And then it tells you what this means: #WCPG2019 #GCchat 7/n

Here's an example of what I mean, w/ PRS for depression as an example, where our *BEST* PRS accounts for 2.5% of the overall liability for developing depression. #WCPG2019 #GCchat 11/n

P.S @cecilejanssens this thread was for you!