Another picture of exemplar reports, this time with two embryos. Because you would be comparing them, and selecting the "best"...though what that means is up for debate.
"She has your partner's ears and smile. Just not their risk for diabetes."
Is this a designer baby?
What makes this designer-y is that its elective, costs money and isnt available to all (i.e. if uninformed, unwilling, or without the $$ for IVF +_ test)
I would say just the newest step in consumer eugenics.
He concluded on average 2.5 cm and 2.5 IQ points. But often you'd pick wrong, too.…
But the conclusion that embryo selection isnt plausible is a claim much bigger than the Israeli research made.
Half the world is saying that just can't be. The other half is saying the predictions are surprisingly decent.
Here's a story and a thread about that.…
accuracy reduced "in demographics different than the causcasian training set."