Everyone else: I guess it’s just a quirky pink umbrella!!!
“Wait, Hermione has a different class with you at the same time she’s in my class.......?”
- Voldemort, a hoarder
Aberforth: People don’t talk about goats enough.
“Yes fine but I also want my house’s mascot to continue the alliteration.”
“I want it to be a lion!”
“I value the cleverest!”
“I want the most ambitious.”
“Who’s hungry??”
For wizards, a presumed dead Death Eater has to shoot a widely feared signal into the sky with your wand.
The Nimbus Two Thousand and One!
The Firebolt is here!
Ok, enough brooms.
*find out magic exists and that their daughter is a witch*
*send her to a school called "Hogwarts"*
*likely meet Krum, a "Quidditch" player*
*have her wiped from their own memories*
*meet a stranger who brings back memories of her, their witch daughter*