The two articles of impeachment have been voted in. One is 'Abuse of Power'. The second is 'Obstruction of Congress'.
Neither is a High Crime nor a misdemeanor.
This is just utter nonsense and always has been.
This is the supposed genesis of the complaint but that's not really the case.
Slip of the tongue? Not hardly,
She screwed up and told the truth.
This article should not be admitted to the senate, but exposing the false nature would be welcomed.
There IS no such thing. This is their hissy fit of not having the executive kneel to their demands to search until they can find something they can criminalize.
It's called a 'fishing trip'.
The Judiciary. The other branch, you know.
They can seek relief there. BTW.
Good luck with that. There are limits to 'oversight'.
None of this will go anywhere.
You have to ask yourselves this. Was it supposed to?
Because if most surely will. The hearings have been an utter joke; any constitutional scholar worth their salt would be doing backflips over it.
The House is doing things just BECAUSE THEY CAN.
The amazing aspect of this is that they still think they can scream and hold their breaths until they turn blue and somehow that'll work for them.
Instead a pathetic display of public fratricide as a movement.
They have had their 4 steps.