Patrick Kelly (Director of Finance) with a report about the 2020 Capital Budget. The staff report is on page 3 of the agenda package.
Cllr Hallman asks if the public will have input into the website refresh process. Ms Mittelholz says this won't be as big a change as the previous redesign. (In design parlance, this sounds like a usability audit)
Cllrs Gordijk and Hallman comment that residents in their respective wards were pleased to see this in 2020 budget.

Cllr Hallman asks about Community Centre Washroom Floors. Scott Nancekivell (Director of Facilities & Recreation Services) describes the surfaces that will be used for these upgrades.

Cllr Pfenning: We need to decide what to do with Wilmot Line and determine how best to deal with it.
There follows a conversation amongst council about popcorn that I don't understand.
And now we're adjourned (9:38pm).