Mayor Armstrong says that at one Regional meeting no-one turned up.
Grant Whittington (Chief Administrative Officer) says these discussions are going on in many municipalities at the moment.
Cllr Gerber says there is no clear breakdown between the funding between the two programs.
All three recommendations are carried.
Mr Kelly: When that happens, it tends to be with casual staff.
Cllr Hallman would like to see a report on this, too.
Mr Kelly asks if there is value on the various heads of departments discuss their service level requests before discussing each position individually.
Cllr Hallman says we need to connect with residents on their preferred social media platform.
Cllr Pfenning says this is absolutely a necessary role.
Cllr Gordijk thanks Mr Romany and Mr Kelly for their help with her technical issues. She supports this.
Recommendation: Carried.
Cllr Pfenning says how much she appreciates the work done by Andrew Martin (Manager of Planning/EDO) as a volunteer and on the trails committee.
Recommendation: Carried.
Recommendation: Carried.
Cllr Pfenning acknowledges the good work done by the current person doing the job on a contract basis. Glad to see the FT job going to them.
Recommendation: Carried.
Cllr Gordijk asks if the position can be shared amongst local municipalities. Chief Leeson: Short answer is yes, but this needs significant discussion.
Mr Kelly asks the committee to consider moving the date/time of the third budget meeting. (This is might be the longest conversation of the evening.)