Ever heard about the electricity surge at the end of a popular tv show as we all stick on the kettle?
It's a uniquely British phenomenon and it's totally true. Here's the Britain's got talent final in 2005 as an example..

Ready for a game?
The x axis is time, y axis is power demand.
I'm intrigued to see if you can work out what the other two are. Both, significant national events, where the entire country paused for a brief moment..
Who wants to guess?

Orange - the solar eclipse in 1999
Red - 3 mins silence for 9/11 in 2001
I know I'm a nerd, but I think there's something quite poignant in that. A story about how deeply moved Britain was, written only in the numbers.

Obviously the uptick at 230am is Father Christmas whizzing around, quickly turning on all the lights when he's leaving the presents. But what about the one at 11am? Anyone wanna guess?

So, if you're thinking about a STEM career; if you want to help fight climate change; if you don't want to follow the 40% of Physics graduates into a career in finance, think about the energy sector.