I was young enough that age wasn’t on my radar. We are better at seeing what we experience ourselves.
You’d recognize this immediately as a problematic and sexist statement. You might even call it out in the moment.
“So easy even your mom can use it”
“3.5 GPA required”
“Perfect for new grads”
The local Y where I swim is a great example of a successful age-inclusive environment, with members spanning decades.
But their success comes not only from their programming, but from their thoughtful communication about who the space is for.
Community potluck. All are welcome!
Lap swim is for swimmers of all abilities!
Reduced price for youth and senior citizens
Every time we share words, we communicate more than just the words; we communicate who our space is for.
For instance, what if the opposite of “gender-biased” is not “gender-neutral,” but actually “gender-inclusive?
Seeking not to offend people is not the same as seeking people out because you value who they are. 🌠