What’s the kuf or UF coefficient?
I’m an amateur in extracorporeal tec but I’m a self proclaimed expert in coffee process and preparation.
So lets answer this absolutely irrelevant question
#nephtwitter #coffee #tweetorial

-diffusion and convection
-semipermeable membrane
-waste product
When using drip💧methods like v60, chemex, kalita, or conventional coffee machine, what is the mechanism that extracts coffee?
So the answer is CONVECTION
-UF coefficient
-Membrane hydraulic permeability coeff.
-Water permeability coeff.
Is the amount of water that goes through a membrane in a particular time at a particular hydrostatic pressure
So the units are: ml/hr/mmHg
💥UF rate
10cm, 20 sec, 310ml = 15.5 ml/sec
8cm, 20 sec, 274 ml= 13.7 ml/sec
6cm, 20 sec, 226 ml = 11.3 ml/sec
4cm, 20 sec, 155 ml = 7.7ml/sec
2cm, 20 sec, 60 ml= 3ml/sec
10cm= 7.3mmHg
8cm= 5.84mmHg
6cm= 4.38mmHg
4cm= 2.9 mmHg
2cm=1.43 mmHg
15.5/7.3= 2.1 ml/sec/mmHg
13.7/5.84=2.3 ml/sec mmHg
11.3/4.38= 2.5 ml/sec mmHg
7.7/2.9 = 2.9 ml/sec/mmHg
3/1.43= 2 ml/sec/mmHg
The variation was explained by 👨🔬 error in valve closing and pouring speed
⚡️Kuf = 2.3 ml/sec/mmHg
2.3 ml/sec/mmHg or translated to conventional Kuf units: 8280 ml/hr/mmHg
But what would happen when we add coffee an repeat the experiment?
Since PTM is a fixed variable; it stays the same, while Kuf and UF both decrease
If we want a fixed UF no matter the Kuf: PTM would rise whith lower Kuf
ie. Fixed UF of 7.7ml/sec, Kuf 0.4
PTM= 7.7/0.4
=19.2 mmHg
=25 cm of💧are needed to mantain UF