I thought I would rather just do a one stop everything you need to know about tweet for anybody new looking into $DAG
#stardustcollective @stardustco11ect
Network Protocol - constellationnetwork.io/technology/net…
Spore Platform - constellationnetwork.io/technology/spo…
DAG Token - constellationnetwork.io/technology/the…
Solutions - constellationnetwork.io/solutions/
Resources - constellationnetwork.io/resources/
Partners - constellationnetwork.io/partner-ecosys…
Constitution - constellationnetwork.io/about/constell…
Molly Wallet - constellationnetwork.io/molly-wallet/
Run a node - constellationnetwork.io/run-a-node/
Stackpath nodes - constellationnetwork.io/run-a-node/sta…
Email - info@constellationnetwork.io
Telegram - t.me/constellationc…
Telegram traders channel - t.me/constellationt…
Telegram announcement channel - t.me/constellationl…
Ben Jorgenson CEO - linkedin.com/in/bjorgensen
Benjamin Diggles VP Business Development - linkedin.com/in/mrdiggles
Wyatt Meldman-Floch CTO - linkedin.com/in/wlmeldmanfl…
Team & notable Twitter accounts to follow that live and breathe $DAG
Apologies if I missed any, these just immediately sprung to mind
Currently 2676 addresses excluding exchange accounts on etherscan.io/token/0xa8258a…
2,619,046(4.58 BTC) $DAG is needed to be a top 50 holder
1,152,420(2.01 BTC) $DAG is needed to be a top 100 holder
Kucoin - kucoin.com/trade/DAG-BTC
IDEX - idex.market/eth/dag
Hotbit - hotbit.io/exchange?symbo…
HITBTC - hitbtc.com/DAG-to-BTC
Mainnet is expected to be launched in mid March 2020
100 Foundation nodes will power the network initially with more onboarded as the network requires it
Node collateral 250 000 $DAG
Node handbook - constellationnetwork.io/pdf/DAG_NODE_H…
Effectively combat the frictions that impede rapid adoption of new tech & services in the US Gov
Lets you instantly swap coins with friends in Telegram
Help enterprise procure blockchain tech and enable interoperability with security at scale
Bridge real-world adoption of blockchain tech by bringing scalable real-world & streaming data onto DLT
A network of industry leaders committed to driving blockchain innovation by supporting education, research and entrepreneurship at universities & beyond
With deep understanding of both tech & the gov, Dcode breaks down barriers to improve gov, working with their invaluable community of tech companies, government leaders & partners. 2020 AI / Big Data Cohort Member.
The Cost of Bad Data
Constellation Network has developed a DLT to embrace the vision of a connected world, powered by big data, by creating the infrastructure to securely validate & protect one of the world’s most valuable resources, DATA
Simply put, DAG provides a protocol capable of ingesting & organizing data to meet the needs of new mobility tech
DAG is working on a protocol infrastructure that will have the ability for devices to securely & efficiently transmit data across disparate networks
Problems are data security & breaches, medical record keeping, counterfeit drugs, integrity of clinical trials as well as data transparency
Tokenization & Distribution of Energy
Allow consumers & businesses to effectively earn & distribute their energy consumption