I wanted to know what were the most recommended Python books ever 🏆
So I've compiled more than 2000 recommendations from 130 lists and came up with this top 25 most recommended Python books of all-time 📕
I scraped all pages using @ScrapingBee and extracted 📕 titles
Then deduplication + normalization + ✍️ cleaning
% is the % of the time this book was recommended out of 208 lists.
So if % is 20%, one out of five lists about startups book have talked about this book.
20. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python by @kennethreitz & Tanya Schlusser (9.6%)
19. Python Pocket Reference by Mark Lutz (10.5%)
18. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python by @AlSweigart (10.5%)
16. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python by A.Müller & @sarah_guido (12.3%)
15. Programming Python by Mark Lutz (12.3%)
14. Python Essential Reference by David Peazley (14.0%)
12. Python Machine Learning by S.Raschka & V.Mirjalili (14.9%)
11. Python Tricks by @dbader_org (14.9%)
10. Think Python: How to Think Like a C.Sist by Allen B. Downey (19.3%)
9. Effective Python by @haxor (19.3%)
7. Learn Python the Hard Way by @lzsthw (21.1%)
6. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by @AlSweigart (23.7%)
5. Head First Python by Paul Barry (25.4%)
4. Python Crash Course by @ehmatthes (33.3%)
2. Python Cookbook by @dabeaz & Brian K. Jones (36.0%)
1. Learning Python by Mark Lutz (36.0%)
Fun facts:
- @OReillyMedia big winner of the list with 12 books in the list
- My favorite editor @nostarch, has 4