The single best advice I can give is to pay the $1 trial for @realvision where I, and many people much smarter than I, give their best analysis.
We are even starting with the Real Vision Daily Briefing, an analysis show.
I will also be putting out an update for all RV members as well on
Again, I cant stress that at $1 for a month is the best $$$ you could ever spend. It goes up to $240 after that but its still crazy cheap.
But a collective of the smartest asset managers, analysts, strategists, thought leaders and business
I'm literally getting thousands of thank you messages for Real Vision each day and Im frankly a bit blown away. We have record numbers of new subscribers pouring in each day too.
Also, those that cant afford RV, there is a free channel but the interviews
This might sound like a sleazy sales message, but it isn't. Tens of thousands of people trust Real Vision and millions watch our free content. I believe in Real Vision.
Do yourself a favour - get a membership or at the very least get informed by our free content. This is too important a time to not do it.…
It is immensely powerful. It can change lives (as I can see from all of your messages).
Ive been a bit overwhelmed but I will get as much stuff on to Twitter as possible. Make sure you also follow @RemiGMI for the GMI corona virus spread updates (also on my LinkedIn feed).
Good luck out there!
p.s. if you believe in Real Vision, please share. The more people whom are informed, the less damage that this event might cause.