Here's a gist, of a simple little class, ScaleListener.…
The full code, in situ, is from the kontentment project:…
These are all three JavaFx classes, and, in particular, they're JavaFx *UI* classes.
Aye, there's the rub. There ain't no test in that snippet.
That is because there ain't no test in that codebase. That is because I didn't write one. That is because of that argument list.
All three of those classes being passed in are what we call "awkward" collaborators. What we mean by that is as simple as this: they make a perfectly committed TDD'er not want to write a test.
Properties, in JavaFx do *not* require the framework to be live.
And ... *bingo* ... whyn'tcha just pass the properties instead of their supplier?
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