Inverting a problem can lead to better answers and solutions.
We know more about some of these questions than others. Where is the best source of answers/models?
1. What percentage of people have it or had it and are asymptomatic?
2. What is the mortality rate given, we don't know how many people have or have had it and are asymptomatic?
3. How much immunity does someone who has recovered have? How long to recover?
4. What is the probability of a newer deadly strain arriving via mutation?
5. How much can the curve of infections be flattened so hospitals have enough equipment like ventilators? What about in the developing world?
6. How much will the infection rate drop when weather gets warmer in the north hemisphere? What about the south hemisphere?
7. What is the effectiveness of drugs like Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine?
8. When will antibody treatments first arrive? When will they arrive at scale?
9. When will a vaccine first arrive? When will it arrive at scale?
Can we compile some resources here and now? I'll start: