Western governments are copying some of the things they saw the Chinese do, w/o really understanding how & why
The result: a costly mess which might not even work
"If we legislate a lockdown, it will work."
No. It will work if you enforce it, and if you enforce it in a way in which enforcement is a checkpoint not a chokepoint.
For example…
Why not to use an app?
(they tried; this is the pathetic result 👇)
Their purpose is to buy time as we scale testing (& medical / quarantining capability). To exit the lockdown, it's necessary to isolate the old sick and to be able to quickly spot the new sick.
Otherwise, back to lockdown soon.
Lockdown alone won't be enough
It's like seeing your friend cooking pizza and then baking some tomato sauce and complaining it's not tasty
You can't just copy one step. The how & why must be clear
"Temperature screening".
Taiwan did temperature screen travelers from Wuhan as early as the 5th of January. It worked.
- They also tracked them
- They closed borders very early
- Not the only measure
Only temp screen isn't enough.
The first step, is to think in terms of leading indicators rather than in lagging indicators
Here is why (from gum.co/opexbook which I made free during the pandemic)

Poor execution visibly worsens them, so errors are spotted quickly and corrected immediately.
Lagging indicators are fragile to implementation quality: errors show up when it's too late.
- If you focus on number of tests (a leading indicator), chances are your action will have a positive long-term effect, as you iterate proactively.
- If you focus on cases (a lagging indicator), if the measures you're using don't work, you'll notice too late.
They are defeated by embracing leading ones.