The ability to think things through with a high processing speed is an art.
But more importantly, it's a skill.
Needs to be practiced.
One great way to practice is to pick random topics & tell stories about them.
Record yourself so you fight thru fumbles
And it's dynamic as well.
If you think your thinking is fixed, then it will remain like that.
If you are interested in super learning... then continue on👇
'Why do I have this belief in the first place?'
Because of the school system.
Grades assign a perception towards making mistakes
Making mistakes in the real world means that you are trying.
But there are 2 kinds of mistakes.
It's important to be able to distinguish between em
Good Mistake - Data that you gather in the learning process. Data that you learn from & recalibrate on.
Bad Mistake- Data that you do not learn from. You keep making the same mistake over and over again
Remember this life law:
-You learn the theory better from experience than you learn from theory alone.
The sweet spot is combining experience & theory
And why a lot of A students suffer from analysis paralysis.
It all comes down to the perception of mistakes.
What's your relationship with it?
'And if I don't?'
Then it will begin playing a big role in a lot of your life moves.
Remember... an emotion that you try to bury goes to the gym & comees back 10x stronger.
1. Procrastination - You wait for the perfect time to begin.
2. Perfectionism- The fear of making a mistake & being judged causes you to keep refining and refining away...
'Can I change?'
Ya, you can. Remember, thinking is a SKILL.
Which means it can be learned, practiced & mastered.
You just gotta put in the work.
They mistake mind wandering as thinking.
'What's the difference?'
Mind-wandering is an autopilot act. Just random chatter throughout the brain.
Thinking is a conscious act. It's when you are able to piece together thoughts in a logical way
Here are a few:
Tweets + Thread: This thread is me stacking tweet after tweet. You are seeing me connect thoughts on a visible plane.
Audio Journal aka Podcasting: same as a journal, just verbal expression.
And.... videos
But before explaining why videos are important, lmk explain how I discovered it.
It started in Toastmasters.
The purpose was to create a speech on my definition for the word.
As a person with massive speech anxiety, I thought creating a speech without practice was impossible!
I absolutely needed preparation
When I was FORCED to give the talk, i was able to do it.
The speech may have been sloppy. But I broke the limiting belief of being afraid to make mistakes.
Here's the video if you are curious how it went
And it can be done via communication skills.
Communication skills = Putting words to the mind.
And force yourself to talk about it.
If you need help picking random topics, use this tool
No matter how much you fumble, you gotta finish.
That's where the recording helps.
Helps you stay accountable
-If you don't finish, then you are doing more harm than good
-If you do finish (no matter how sloppy) you're on the right track
So you can watch them back later.
You can make the videos private so only you can view it.
-The random topic allows you to think fast.
-Finishing the topic allows you to practice the art of thinking things through.
-You learn the mindset of a creator.
-Recondition your beliefs towards making mistakes.
The list goes on
1. Find topic.
2. Hit record.
3. Go.
That's it.
Planning too much stifles your creativity.
It separates you from your inner fire.
In today's world, the survival of the fittest isn't just about who physically gifted you are.
But also, how mentally SHARP you are.
Learn to learn.
And you can only do that when you learn how to THINK.
"In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."
Or are you someone with a GROWING mindset?
The choice is yours.
For more practical mindset tips, join my YouTube channel.
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