So, unless Ironman is wearing the Hulkbuster suit, X-O Manowar has the strength edge (Indeed, even with the Hulkbuster suit, I sincerely
The flight speed advantage goes to Ironman. While X-O can keep up with fighter jets, Ironman can actually move faster than them. Thus, in the heavens, Ironman will be able to out speed X-O
X-O has the far more powerful energy blasts, capable of destroying Aircraft carriers and submarines with one shot. Ironman's blasts are not pushovers, but I cannot recall him ever destroying ships that size with one shot. Indeed, I don't recall
It will be hard to gauge hand to hand combat training, but considering that Ironman works alongside Captain America and others with considerable H2H training,
Killer instinct goes to X-O. He's a Visigoth! He's far more likely to kill his opponents than Ironman, who tries to play the
Ironman's suit is advanced human technology, while X-O's is made of advanced alien tech. Indeed, his suit can intercept enemy transmissions, such as...those between
Thus, X-O will have considerable intel advantages
Ironman suit can get messed up if enough electricity or lighting strikes it, or something made out of either strikes it.
You know, like a sword made of...electricity???

And combine this with a electrical sword???
Ironman would have an initial advantage in the sky, but I sincerely doubt that this would enough to give him the win. X-O is just too powerful, and though with
My verdict???