We are in really, really bad shape, and getting worse.
We're actually much worse off than they were at this point in their outbreak.

US case total (left, per JHU): 76.5k
US daily count (per NYT): 14k and rising
When China hit 76.5k (red circle on right), they were averaging only a few 100 a day and had been declining for weeks. gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashbo…

Our case total yesterday - 14k - is 3.5x greater than any single day's recorded case total in China.
US case counts today reflect transmission that was happening 2-3wks ago (~4 day avg incubation; ~8-10 days to reach serious symptoms and test; tests often taking ~1wk to confirm).
Cases will continue to climb dramatically in many more areas and we will face a much larger task than China did.
We are still only on the front end of this.