The last thing I remembered was drinking some kind of famous Chinese whiskey that I'd never heard of
The man I flew to meet was known as the "greatest secret in copywriting"
Let's back up a bit
I first heard of this mystery copywriter from an "inside source" at the largest direct response publisher in the states
He's *most likely* the face behind the ads you've seen
(Think Ogilvy Rolls Royce ad, but in modern times)
The kind of ads you never forget
Anyways, back to our mystery man...
What you've just read is what I consider to be the most powerful copywriting technique known to man and animal alike (however you identify yourself)
It's called an open loop...
And it creates the "slippery slope" in your emails that keep readers eyeballs moving
I started the story at the end (or middle) and then backed up to the beginning
It's how Tarantino does a lot of his movies
It's super simple and very powerful
Learn it, use it