•38 companies spawned in 1957
•Don Hoefler coined the term #SilconeValley in 1971
•GE, Hp, Intel, Lockheed Martin, and KODAK to name a few in the start
•In 2020 Silicone Valley is a multi trillion dollar cluster of companies

•We all probably remember [a/s/l] on simple chat platforms that connected us the oldschool way.
•We now have more advanced ways of connection such as geo-tagging
•However does that share of info stop on a peer to peer level?
•In this video Sean Parker goes over the exploitation in human psychology.
•This keeps the user coming back
•The continuation of giving info
•Companies sell your info to 3rd parties
•You are then advertised to in a very personal way to buy and consume product among other things
•Group think is a dangerous game due to how easy it is to convince most of the population how to think
•Going from being simply a tech company to a thought engine for the masses
•When there is info consumption of all forms
•In recent times we have seen the valley move from a tech stance to a political one
•News letters and Lawsuits of various companies opporating like gov. entities in far away places, and at home
•The valley has left us in a tangled web of what we can and can't say
•Punishment and silence of those who think thoughts that dont side with the valley and goverment friends

•How can a search engine or a social media site or a site meant to broadcast funny and creative content have so much power over how one thinks?
•Control what people can and can't say?
•Non consenting data for profit?
#truthcommunity #Conservatives #Q #QAnon #Thread #sundayvibes #DeplatformPredators #FreeSpeech
#PatriotsInControl #ThinkForYourself