1) Mass Active Surveillance- Around 2500 houses around 'case positive houses' are already being surveilled on a daily basis for #Covid19 related symptoms .
Done by Corp DBC workers, UHN's, Anganwadi workers etc.

Mike announcements are done in the entire containment zone and the buffer zone explaining the symptoms of #COVID2019 , the preventive measures to be taken and on what to do if one develop the symptoms.
Also temporary medical camps are set up.

All the possible contacts of the 'index case' is identified and listed. They are asked to be on hospital quarantine and also tested for #COVID2019.
They are shifted to the hospitals through designated 108 ambulances which are exclusively used for this.

They are used exclusively for transport of possible #COVID2019 patients.

Temporary barricades are being put in the streets immediately close to the reported #COVID2019 positive houses and influx and efflux of vehicles are restricted. Also it is ensured that there is no scarcity of necessary provisions.