A lot of people are in disbelief that every state so-called officials all the way to the President of the foreign corporation The United States violating the state constitutions & the U.S. Constitution by having our cities under lockdown, curfew, stay home policy.....
....no social gathering. THEY dicate which business stay open. Recently puppet governor of Rhode Island put out an executive order to "hunt down" New Yorkers having state police & mercenaries stopping traffic & searching for New York plates, patrolling the area...
....and looking for parked car with out of state plates and going to door to door under the suspicion of residents harboring out of state travelers.
You still believe this is about a virus? Keep reading....
A lot of people failed to understand one of the reasons why we're struggling against the current system is because every man, woman and child of the several states are the enemy.
You think 5G is about improving wireless services? Oh no no....check out these clips below.
Watch "Leuren Moret on Wireless Weapons Used on People" on YouTube
The Trading with the enemy act is a great example & especially about the current crisis. Read below.👇
Trading with the Enemy Act
The first stealthy act the United States imposed on the rebels of the American republics was the Trading with the Enemy Act.(Footnote: Title 12 United States Code § 95a) This federal law....
.....was enacted in year 1917 to restrict trade with countries in hostility to the United States. Such act gives the President the power to oversee or restrict any and all trade between the United States and its enemies during war.
The act drew attention to itself by comments that were made in regard to it. However, things did not become real clear until 1933 when the definition of whom it applied to had taken bit of a change. The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 was amended in 1933 to include....
....Americans as the enemy:
Oct. 6th 1917, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, section 2,
subdivision (c). Chapter 106 - Enemy defined "other than citizens of the United States..." March 9th 1933, Chapter 106, Section 5, subdivision (b) of the Trading with the.....
....Enemy Act of 1917 (40 Stat. L. 411) amended as follows: "...any person within the United States...."
Tweet message #8 to 12 credit to The Red Amendment Text Book.
The trading with the enemy act only has to do with people (U.S. Citizens) who are under contract and subject to the statutes and codes of the Federal Corporation.
You believe you're safe, whether you live in a blue or red state? ALL POLITICAL PARTIES ARE ACTING AS ONE!!
Totalitarian system 👉 United States Code Title 8 § 1101 (37)(a)(b).
To look up Totalitarian Party at uscode.house.gov follow the images below. 1st image at the website type Title 8 and Section 1101. When you get to 2nd image. Scroll down to (37) and you will see Totalitarian Party.

I tweeted many times on here the Texas Supreme Court & the U.S. Supreme Court stated the current system IS NOT LAWFUL and USURPED our Republican form of governments (during the Reconstruction Act of 1867) that is found in Article IV, section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
Read the (images) description of the current system by the Supreme Courts. 👇

Folks, things are getting worse. I ask everyone to think & research everything I tweeted and check out those clips. All the people research on 5G, weather modification, chemtrails,false flags... combined your research with...
...what I tweeted. More people need to ACCEPT THE WHOLE TRUTH that everyone in office under this 14th Amendment system is our enemy!!
Right now for us to get through the current crisis we have to band together! The media along with the current system is deceiving us!
I put a lot of time providing evidence what we're dealing with. Most of my followers are Trump supporters and y'all you need to wake up! You want to ignore the whole truth and try to argue with me...you are only f*cking yourself.
I do not take sides with anyone of these usurpers occupying our state houses.
I know who these people are in office and how we can disempower them. We have to get through the current crisis first.
Like I said many times this de facto/Totalitarian system operates with our consent whether you agree or not. This need to be shared with more people.
This is no bullsh*it, the usurpers will continue to attack us in a stealth manner.
Again, we have to take a stand now and especially expose their 5G program! This no f-cking conspiracy theory. The proof who these people are is in this thread and throughout my timeline!