WHO remains committed to providing access to as much as information as possible, in as many languages as possible"-@DrTedros
Immunization is one of the greatest success stories in the history of global health.
More than 20 diseases can be prevented with vaccines"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
But there are still more than 13 million children around the world who miss out on vaccination.
We know that that number will increase because of #COVID19"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
Myths & misinformation about vaccines are adding fuel to the fire, putting vulnerable people at risk"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
Since 2000, @gavi and partners including WHO have helped vaccinate more than 760 million children in the world’s poorest countries, preventing more than 13 million deaths"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
To reach this goal, Gavi will require USD 7.4 billion in its upcoming replenishment"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
This is not a cost, it’s an investment that pays a rich dividend in lives saved"-@DrTedros #VaccinesWork
As in all regions, cases & deaths are underreported in countries in these regions because of low testing capacity"-@DrTedros