Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #worldimmunizationweek

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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"First to #Sudan. The bloodshed we have seen in the past 10 days in Sudan is heartbreaking. In a country whose people already suffered so much in recent years. WHO welcomes the ceasefire agreed between the parties.

We urge all parties to fully respect the ceasefire. Already, the……
"On top of the number of deaths and injuries caused by the conflict itself, WHO expects there will be many more deaths due to outbreaks, lack of access to food and water, and disruptions to essential health services, including immunization."
-@DrTedros #Sudan
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It's #WorldImmunizationWeek

In 2021, around the world:
❌ 25 million children missed at least 1 essential vaccine
❌ 18 million children received no vaccines at all

Now is the time for ‘The Big Catch-up’ to get vaccinations back on track. #VaccinesWork

Did you know? Over 3/4 of the children who missed out on their vaccinations in 2021 live in just 20 low- & middle-income countries.

Time for ‘The Big Catch-up!‘
Let’s get vaccines to the children who need them.

More on #WorldImmunizationWeek:
📌 A health worker wearing glo...
It's #WorldImmunizationWeek

Vaccines protect against more than 20 diseases like:
Yellow Fever

Yes, #VaccinesWork! "Vaccines protect chil...
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Maandag start #WorldImmunizationWeek, speciale aandacht voor vaccinatiebereidheid en de 7 aspecten ervan wat kan helpen met begrijpen waarom mensen wel/niet vaccineren en wat daar ten grondslag ligt. Dit geldt voor algemene bevolking
💉🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️ Image
Zeer graag een vaccin willen vanwege de kans op ziekte en sterfte tijdens een uitbraak. Het kan omslaan tot ‘wanhoop’ wanneer er tekorten zijn. Het laatste zagen we bij aanvang van COVID-19 💉en bij de tekorten tijdens de #MPX uitbraak in zomer ’22. Image
Bereid zijn om te 💉-en om risico op sterfte, (ernstige) ziekte te voorkomen, bewust zijn van de voordelen en effecten van de interventie. Grote bereidheid zie je bij hep-b, hep-a, gele koorts, polio, tetanus, en vele kindervaccinaties Image
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THREAD: The World Health Organization (@WHO) holds a media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
"Globally, reported #COVID19 cases and deaths continue to decline, which is very encouraging. Last week, just over 15,000 deaths were reported to WHO – the lowest weekly total since March 2020".@DrTedros
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It’s #WorldImmunizationWeek!

If you could see viruses you would know that they are all around. Vaccines provide opportunity and hope for all of us to enjoy ​a more fulfilling life. ​That's something we should all be fighting for.​ Vaccines, in the pursuit of a #LongLifeForAll.
This #WorldImmunizationWeek, let's celebrate life’s relatable moments that make us happy to be alive.
Dinner with friends.
A first kiss.
A first dance.
An early start to the day.
A family reunited.

#LongLifeForAll Image
Ever since the 1st vaccine was developed for #smallpox in 1796, the 🌍 has seen their unparalleled impact on health and wellbeing. People have been vaccinated for centuries, leading to the eradication of smallpox and driving down polio cases to an all-time low. #LongLifeForAll Image
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#WorldImmunizationWeek starts today. Play this quiz and test your knowledge about vaccines 👇

Q1: For which virus was the first vaccine successfully created?

Q2: When was the first vaccine successfully administered?

Q3: Vaccines currently protect against how many life-threatening diseases?

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مصدر مسؤول بـ #وزارة_الصحة_المصرية، قال إن الأسبوعين المقبلين سيكونان حاسمين في المنحنى الوبائي لفيروس #كورونا المستجد بـ #مصر

وتحتفل مصر هذه الفترة بمجموعة من المناسبات الدينية كـ #عيد_القيامة المجيد و #شم_النسيم و #عيد_الفطر_المبارك، وكل هذه الاحتفالات حال عدم اتباع الإجراءات الاحترازية اللازمة للوقاية من فيروس #كورونا خلالها، سيترتب عليها زيادة أعداد الإصابات بشكل أكبر بكثير من الفترة الحالية
وتابع مسؤول #وزارة_الصحة_المصرية: "لا بد من أخذ الهند والتحورات التي حدثت للفيروس فيها بعين الاعتبار، خاصة وأنهم فتحوا البلاد وتخلوا عن الإجراءات الوقائية واحتلفوا بمناسبات دينية، دون الأخذ بالاعتبار وجود فيروس #كورونا مما نتج عنه زيادة إصابات وتحورات الفيروس بشكل أخطر
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مع بدء حملات التطعيم ضد #كورونا في مختلف أنحاء العالم، طرح البعض سؤالا حول فعالية الحصول على جرعة واحدة في الحماية من الإصابة بـ #كوفيد_19

دراسة بريطانية تجيب..
وأفادت دراسة بريطانية، بأن الأشخاص الذين لم يتعرّضوا للإصابة بمرض #كوفيد_19 من قبل، لا يزالون معرضين للعدوى بسلالاته بعد حصولهم على الجرعة الأولى من لقاح فايزر/بيونتك الأمريكي الألماني، ما يعزز الحاجة إلى أنظمة تطعيم كاملة وسريعة

#اللقاحات_تقربنا_أكثر #WorldImmunizationWeek Image
وقال الباحثون إن أولئك الذين تعرّضوا سابقاً لحالات خفيفة أو غير مصاحبة لأعراض #كوفيد_19 "تعززت الوقاية لديهم بشكل كبير" بعد الحصول على جرعة واحدة ضد السلالات التي تمّ رصدها أولاً في بريطانيا وجنوب أفريقيا

#اللقاحات_تقربنا_أكثر #WorldImmunizationWeek Image
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في إطار سعي الجميع إلى العثور على علاج لفيروس كورونا المستجد (#كوفيد_19)، أو لقاح للوقاية منه، ظهرت الآن حقن مصنوعة الشوكولاتة في بلجيكا

وتعمل شركة بلجيكية لصنع الشوكولاتة، كانت تضع العام الماضي كمامات بيضاء على حلوى في هيئة أرانب، على صنع قوالب كبيرة من الشوكولاتة في شكل محقن لمواكبة الدعوات للمشاركة في تلقى اللقاح

#اللقاحات_تقربنا_أكثر #WorldImmunizationWeek Image
ومع تكثيف بلجيكا لحملتها للتطعيم ضد مرض كوفيد-19، تقوم شركة (كاكاوتري) المتخصصة في صناعة الحلوى بالترويج لتلقى اللقاح وكذلك للفوائد الصحية الطبيعية للشوكولاتة وفقا لرؤيتها الخاصة

#اللقاحات_تقربنا_أكثر #WorldImmunizationWeek Image
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قال باحثون بريطانيون، الجمعة، إن الوفيات والإصابات بمرض فيروس #كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) باتت نادرة بعد تلقي اللقاح

متابعة.. Image
وقال الباحثون إن عددا قليلا جدا ممن أصيبوا بـ كوفيد-19 من المسنين وممن يعانون من ضعف عام يدخلون إلى المستشفى ويتوفون حتى بعد الحصول على الجرعة الأولى من لقاحات فايزر أو أسترازينيكا، لكن ذلك لا يعني أن اللقاحات غير فعالة

متابعة.. Image
وأضاف الباحثون، أثناء عرضهم بيانات ميدانية حول مجموعة من المصابين بكوفيد-19 في المستشفيات في بريطانيا، أن النتائج أظهرت نوعا ما "فشلا للقاحات" لكن ذلك لم يكن "مستبعدا"


متابعة.. Image
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COVID specific:
They are safe and effective. A small small small % of people have serious side effects.
Yes- there are minor side effects. Our human got night lava sweats and was exhausted for a day. He’s totally fine now.
Fact: you cannot GET COVID-19 from the vaccine. It literally doesn’t have the virus in it. It has parts of it which makes your body remember for when it comes in contact for REAL.
You cannot SHED the vaccine.
You are not a dog. The vaccine is not hair.
Fact: the more people get vaccinated the sooner life goes back to normal. Yes- this means concerts, sports, weddings and funerals.
If you want restrictions to end, we need A HUGE % of people to get the jab as quick as possible. Want fancy gatherings? Get the fancy vaccine.
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"Globally, the #COVID19 pandemic continues to intensify. Cases have now increased for the 9th straight week, & deaths have increased for the 6th straight week. To put it in perspective, there were almost as many cases 🌍 last week as in the 1st 5 months of the pandemic"-@DrTedros
"It’s pleasing to see small declines in cases and deaths in several regions, but many countries are still experiencing intense #COVID19 transmission, and the situation in #India is beyond heartbreaking"-@DrTedros #InThisTogether
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While immunization services begin slow recovery from #COVID19, millions of children around the 🌍🌏🌎 remain vulnerable to deadly diseases.

More info 👉
According to WHO data, 6⃣0⃣ mass immunization campaigns are currently postponed in 5⃣0⃣ countries, putting around 2⃣2⃣8⃣ million people - mostly children - at risk for diseases such as #measles, #YellowFever and #polio.

More info 👉
To support the recovery from #COVID19 and to fight future pandemics, we must ensure access to lifesaving vaccines and routine vaccination services are protected in every country in the 🌎🌏🌍.

More info 👉
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It’s #WorldImmunizationWeek!

Vaccines will help us end the #COVID19 pandemic so we can finally be closer to each other again.

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer.
Vaccines protects people of all ages against preventable diseases and is one of the best ways to provide children with a healthy start in life.

#VaccinesWork to bring us closer.
It’s #WorldImmunizationWeek!

By vaccinating today, you’re bringing the world closer tomorrow. Vaccines bring us closer to a world where we can travel ✈️, protected together from the threat of preventable diseases.

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Tomorrow, we are kicking off #WorldImmunizationWeek and the first WHO @TwitterSpaces chats 🎙!

Check the lineup and join us to learn more about how #VaccinesWork to bring us closer.

#AskWHO Image
#AskWHO on @TwitterSpaces:

#1 Session: Vaccines bring us closer - How?
🎙 @Kate_L_OBrien
🕙 10:00 AM CEST

#WorldImmunizationWeek #VaccinesWork Image
#AskWHO on @TwitterSpaces:

#2 Session: How new vaccines are developed?
🎙 @doctorsoumya
🕙 10:00 AM CEST

#WorldImmunizationWeek  #VaccinesWork Image
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April 1st marks the beginning of #78DaysOfProgress, a thread that will outline seventy-eight different ways the world is getting better. 🌍📈

If you can't wait that long, you can check out all 78 trends in our bestselling book:
💉Humanity is getting better and better at developing vaccines.

Compare the historical pace of progress with our response time to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more about this trend in our book:

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💸Global inequality has started to decline–primarily due to faster growth in non-Western countries.

Read more about this trend in our book:

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"First of all, we’re pleased to have interpretation services available in Portuguese today, and I’d like to welcome all Portuguese-speaking journalists.

WHO remains committed to providing access to as much as information as possible, in as many languages as possible"-@DrTedros
"I’ve said since the beginning that the most important resource in the fight against #COVID19 is solidarity.

The launch of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator on Friday was a powerful demonstration of that solidarity"-@DrTedros
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It's #WorldImmunizationWeek!
Vaccine-preventable diseases include:
Cervical cancer
Hep B
Japanese encephalitis
Yellow Fever
Yes, #VaccinesWork!
It’s World Immunization Week!

reduce child deaths and disease
protect against outbreaks
prevent malnutrition
defend against antimicrobial resistance

#VaccinesWork for all! 👉…
Nurses & midwives - every check-up is an opportunity to check in on vaccination for people of all ages: children, youth, adults and older people.

#VaccinesWork #SupportNursesAndMidwives
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Ahead of #WorldImmunizationWeek, WHO warns:

Shutting down immunization services in the #COVID19 pandemic risks triggering a resurgence of diseases that can be prevented with safe and effective vaccines

#VaccinesWork for all!
When immunization services are disrupted, even for brief periods during emergencies, the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks, such as #measles and #polio, increases.

#VaccinesWork for all!
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