Now that you've 1) Started on time & 2)Asked ?s effectively...
Tip 3 Engage All Learners & Tip 4 Embrace Silence
#ChiefTips #MedEd #MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #MedEdPearls #FacDev

Use them!
Seems basic. How many reports have you been to where the facilitator did not use (or perhaps did not know) learners' names?
When I was a medical student, esp with a non-Western name, I can tell you it was near 100%
What do learners take away from the session when they perceive that the instructor knows their names?
A qual study by Cooper et al revealed the following:…

⚡️Microgroups can go by many other names:
- Buzzgroups
- Breakout groups
- Think-Pair-Share
During what % of report does your program use microgroups?
When Budd et al analyzed over 300 classroom recordings, how much time do you think teachers waited for learners to answer a question?
Take a guess:
Most teachers only gave learners 1 second or less to respond to a question!
Ref -…
So... what is wait time?
Budd & others showed wait time >2.7 sec --> ⬆️participation & ⬆️TYPES of responses
⚡️But keep in mind that higher order questions require MORE wait time!…
If you DO have a silent group, think:
⚡️Insufficient wait time for higher order ?
⚡️? was unclear
⚡️? perceived to be "too easy" & learners don't want to get it wrong
⚡️Climate feels unsafe to learners
⚡️External stressors @ play (ie COVID, codes)
If you've asked clear questions, given sufficient wait time, established a safe learning climate, & know you've engaged your learners...

Basically, instead of directly answering a learner's ? immediately, deflect it back to your audience. Encourage peer teaching!