Here’s a list of the 50 biggest hypocrites:
“I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. My heart broke watching her testify. She’s a hero – brave, compelling, credible”…
“The vice president’s answers were credible and convincing.”…

“I believe her. Many, many, many Americans believe her."…
“Sen. Schumer believes that Joe Biden’s answer has been sufficient and will work as hard as he can to make sure Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump...”…

Had Michael Avenatti on his show to debate whether Kavanaugh being a virgin meant he performed oral sex in high school…
Has never covered the Biden allegations.
“Kavanaugh’s actions, told consistently over decades by his victim (& supported by her polygraph results), were clearly wrong.”
[literally 5 paragraphs later] “I still support Joe Biden because I believe that’s the best choice...”…
Republicans were “putting the victim on trial, just like they did to Anita Hill… they`re going to try to turn Brett Kavanaugh, the seeming serial predator here into the victim.”…
Tara Reade: *crickets*

“Dr. Ford told her story with extraordinary dignity, bravery and unimpeachable credibility.. I believe her.”…
Asked about Reade: "The happiest day for me this week was to support Joe Biden for president."…

“She was poised. She was credible... She should be believed.”…
“I don’t know this person at all who has made the allegations. She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years?”…
Covered Blasey Ford allegations the same day they broke…
Tara Reade: *crickets* for 2 months

“I found her very credible... I found her willingness to say ‘I don’t remember that but I remember this’ to be very convincing. I felt a great swell of pride...”…
Tara Reade: *crickets*…
“Enough w/ “he said, she said.” If this is he said, she said, then let’s believe the she in these scenarios.”
“You do know Biden has completely denied the allegation, and has no history of sexual abuse, right?”
#IBelieveChristine Blasey Ford. Her credible allegation of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh should disqualify him...”
“VP Biden has vehemently denied these allegations and I support VP Biden."…
[During Kavanaugh hearing] “Women, are the n-word of the world. Raped beaten, enslaved, married off, worked like dumb animals; denied education and inheritance...”…
“Who is paying to #SWIFTBOAT Joe Biden??”
“The moment when Dr. Ford described the searing memory of Kavanaugh and Judge laughing together as they assaulted her has stuck with me all day.”
“The vice president said in no uncertain terms this did not happen.”…
Interviewed Blasey Ford’s attorney three days after she came forward
Interviewed Biden *twice* without asking about allegations…
"Kamala Harris on Kavanaugh accuser: 'I believe her'"…
On Biden: “I believe he has been very direct and forthright”
“Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund Refused to Support #MeToo Sex Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden”…
Kavanaugh was “credibly accused of sexual assault, and rallied Republicans to his cause by unleashing his inner wingnut.”…
Biden: *crickets*

“I’m starting to suspect that the Republican Party doesn’t really give a flying fuck about women.”
“The Right Wants to Use Tara Reade’s Claims to Snuff Out the #MeToo Movement”…
“I found it compelling and very credible. I was a prosecutor. If I'd had somebody with that kind of a complaint coming before me as a prosecutor, I'd feel very safe in prosecuting based on it.”…
Tara Reade: *crickets*
“Here’s Why the Women Making Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh Give Me Hope”…
“I do not believe Joe Biden is capable of that kind of behavior. I believe Joe Biden.…
"It took a lot of courage for Christine Blasey Ford to come forward ... Her story is very credible and I believe her."
Ignored Reade q, said GOP “are totally embracing their admitted sexual predator president.”…
On Blasey Ford: “Let us never forget what courage looks like.”
On Reade: "I think this case has been investigated. I know the vice president as a major leader on domestic abuse…”…
“Try to put yourself in Christine Blasey Ford's shoes for a minute. You lived with this trauma for years, you kept it a secret... you're living in a hotel, you're staring down death threats”…
“Stelter... had not even mentioned Reade's name in a tweet or acknowledged her claims as of Sunday night -- well over 48 hours after the 1993 CNN tape was uncovered and roughly a month since Reade's claims first became public.”…

“I believe Dr Ford’s allegations are credible.”
"How much more evidence do we need that this allegation is a complete fabrication cooked hit job against Biden? This woman is unhinged."
“Trump and his Republican apologists openly mocked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and waged a full-blown campaign to stoke hatred, distrust, and resentment against the millions of survivors of sexual assault.”…
“Really suprised that a former Fox News news star is working with a former Fox News producer to push a story that is now being lawyered up by a Trump donor -- that involves accusations against the Dem nominee."…
Why Have the Big Late-Night TV Hosts Gone Silent on Tara Reade?…
on Kavanaugh, “whether he is innocent or guilty... enough questions been raised that we should move on to another candidate.”…
“He has said this hasn’t happened, and I stand with Joe on his nomination.”
GOP “don’t take sexual assault seriously” or “care whether it’s true Kavanaugh sexually assaulted women.”…
On Reade: “She told a different story just last year and the Larry King call is totally nonspecific…”
“I think what Ford & others said about Kavanaugh was true.”…
“My gut says what Reade alleges did not happen… #BelieveAllWomen was a dumb hashtag...”…
“Let me just say right at the outset, I believe Dr. Ford.”…
On Biden: “He has been straightforward and seemingly very honest.”…
“HOW DEPRAVED IS THE GOP AT THIS POINT? Well, just THIS MORNING alone, Trump called Dr. Ford a liar…”
Retweeted a tweet reading “I wish we could get #IBelieveBiden trending every time this liar speaks”
“I am grateful to Dr. Blasey-Ford. Her courage and selflessness gave rise to a national conversation on a taboo subject that so many had kept silent about for so long.”
Shared a column called “Why I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim,” saying that voters should “weigh the circumstances, records + Trump” to “vote our conscience.”
"There is no braver person in America right now than Dr. Christine Blasey Ford."
“Barack Obama trusted Joe Biden. I trust Joe Biden… This is like the Hillary e-mails, because there was nothing there.”…
“Kavanaugh falsely, repeatedly claims that Ford's accusation has been ‘refuted’”
“Blasey Ford did not repeatedly change her story or post ‘tic toc’ tweets about Kavanaugh. The situations are not analogous”
“We #BelieveSurvivors and refuse to accept Brett Kavanaugh as our next Supreme Court Justice.”
On Biden/Reade: *crickets*

"Proud to see people in WA march & make their voices heard against Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination... #BelieveWomen"
"Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell silent as Tara Reade accuses Joe Biden of assault"…
on Blasey Ford and Ramirez: “I believe them both.”…
On Biden: "I don't think it's just a 'he said, she said.' I think it's a 'he said, she said, the press thoroughly investigated and found there's nothing there."…
“My God Dr. Blasey Ford's description of the horrifying actions done to her since coming forward is beyond what I can imagine. I am in awe of her bravery”
Tara Reade: *crickets*
“I think pretty much everyone—Democrat and Republican alike—does know the truth of what happened. It’s simple: Christine Blasey Ford has no reason to make anything up, and her allegations are basically true…”…
“Did Joe Biden sexually assault Tara Reade in 1993? I don’t know... There were no witnesses and no physical evidence, so it’s literally her word against his… my best guess right now is that Biden is actually innocent“…
“A talented, thoughtful, long-suffering woman who did everything that was asked of her... and unbelievably, she came up short.”…
“I find her allegation hard to believe. Is it possible? Sure. Is it probable? No.”…
To Blasey Ford, “thousands of Americans, women and men, believe you, support you, and thank you for your courage."…
On Biden: “He’s said if there’s any evidence, let the public decide.”
“Her soft voice cracked... She smiled a lot; her attempts to make everyone see how agreeable and reasonable she is were heart-rending. But she was also poised and precise, occasionally speaking as an expert... as well as a victim.”…
“Democrats, Tara Reade and the #MeToo Trap. Don’t compare the case against Joe Biden to the one against Brett Kavanaugh.”…
“Ford’s story is highly credible.”…
“Reade presents both less corroboration than Christine Blasey Ford (whose documentation included notes from her therapist) and more grounds for credible doubt”…
JOE BIDEN: “Women’s Claims Of Sexual Assault Should Be Presumed To Be True”…
“No it is not true; it never never happened”…