-over half of the countries surveyed have partially or completely disrupted services for treatment of hypertension
-half for treatment of diabetes & related complications
-42% for cancer treatment
-31% for cardiovascular emergencies"-@DrTedros
The #COVID19 response must therefore be inclusive of the health-care needs of people living with noncommunicable diseases"-@DrTedros
This year’s WHO’s #WorldNoTobaccoDay focused on reaching young people to educate them on tobacco industry tactics used to manipulate them into using deadly products that kill 8 million people every year"-@DrTedros

On the demand side, in some countries there is an overuse of antibiotics & antimicrobial agents in both humans & animals"-@DrTedros
Therefore, both tackling #antimicrobialresistance, while also saving lives"-@DrTedros
The world has long benefited from the strong, collaborative engagement with the government and the people of the #UnitedStates 🇺🇸"-@DrTedros
It is WHO’s wish for this collaboration to continue"-@DrTedros