On 8 March, after a tip off, I found the clip of the PM’s #TakeItOnTheChin comment.
I tweeted it & it was viewed 2.5m in 24 hours.
But then on 16 April, @peterjukes shared another tip off: the #GreenwichSpeech
And if so, are the govt STILL pursuing it?
The UK is not unique in attempting to deny this strategy. See Dutch PM (16/3 & 4/6)
Scientists warned us
WHO warned us
Cygnus warned us
Intelligence warned us
Italy gave us a graphic warning
Ministers avoid answering the most straightforward questions on a daily basis, SAGE minutes are withheld, redacted & posted at random times.
Even PHE fails to provide facts to parliamentary committees.
But on 11 March, David Halpern, a behaviourist who helps lead UK #COVID response, said👇
@piersmorgan: Your own Chief Science Officer said it was.
MH: No he didn’t
VALLANCE: “build-up some degree of herd immunity.”
On 12/3, briefed by No.10, @Peston wrote: “The strategy of the govt is to allow the virus to pass through the entire population so we acquire herd immunity.”
On 26/3 @Jeremy_Hunt said:👇
“Did you change your mind on herd immunity?”
He replies very unconvincingly: “Err...umm...no.”
Ystdy, he admitted late lockdown was a mistake. The relationship btw govt & scientists is fraying.
There are reports that it won’t be operational at local level until September.
Yet the lockdown is being eased anyway.
We've known from the start that accurate mass testing is vital.
So why was contact tracing was stopped on 12/3 & why are we sending out home test kits which have a 30% chance of being inaccurate?
This thread has some answers👇
e.g. The SAGE meeting of 13/3 comprised:
14 govt advisers
4 modellers
3 behaviourists
2 virologists
10 independents
ZERO public health experts
• proper PPE for front line NHS staff & carers;
• sufficient #COVID19 tests even for doctors & ICU nurses;
• ventilators (opting out of the EU ventilator procurement scheme)
Hancock claims they were. Others hadn't heard of it despite it being front page news on 28/3.
@OliverDowden repeatedly claimed cabin crew had been trained to spot #COVID19 & that people arriving are tracked. Really?!
This thread👇includes a look at how media have been banned from Daily Briefings or boycotted by ministers.
Fans wouldn’t stand for it.
They’d be unfurling banners in the stadium, ripping up season tickets & tweeting up a storm.
What are you going to do?
This thread👇isn’t really about football
Attending SAGE meetings were Ben & Marc Warner who set up the AI firm, Faculty.
That she - & all of us - are still having to ask this question 16 weeks into crisis, should raise urgent further questions.
Fortunately, there are Ali some answers.👇
But there has been little exposure about the appalling situation for those treated at home. This thread👇🏽looks at #HomeCareScandal.
It's perhaps too early to dub this the #EasingLockdownScandal, & I hope the experts & scientists are proved wrong.
Sweden was open about it & has a #COVID19 mortality rate 7x higher than rest of EU with cases rising 16x faster.
US & Brazil are “opening the economy”.
This thread is about the Dutch strategy👇
The answer is spread the word
Tell your friends, tag MPs & journos, contact @Under_Covid
If your friends aren’t interested in COVID stuff, share a video, a cartoon or the “football” or Hitchcock threads.

Unlike the lockdown which was imposed far too late - at midnight on 23 March - the easing of lockdown has been more gradual but potentially just as deadly. THREAD👇#COVID19 #COVID #coronavirus
This is not to say they are not also incompetent.
#HerdImmunity is an intentional ongoing strategy, not some mishap.