Live tweeting some pearls!
Stigma has a negative impact on clinical outcomes

Education may be helpful but it also isn’t enough alone
Blame has an inverse relationship with accountability

Instead of blaming and shaming can we look in the mirror as a first step?
Bias education is not simple! As clinicians we are hardwired to use bias in making clinical decisions.
@javeedsukhera research used IAT to provoke discussion on implicit bias.Found deep emotional reactions in clinicians. “Idealized self”vs. “Actual self”
As professionals,research participants felt they had 2b unbiased

Compassion is about being more mindful about our interactions with certain groups. Appreciate that compassion fatigue is really. We are flawed. We will make mistakes.
@javeedsukhera does not feel that IAT should be used as a metric of bias. Bias is not something that can be “fixed”. He prefers to use it as a tool for refection.
power they DO have. “Please help me understand why we....”
As educators we also need to recognize that we are both teachers and learners. We need to create space
Love this comment by @javeedsukhera!
Reminds us to be compassionate with ourselves as we use our privilege to do this work. We often have a hard time with this as clinicians.
Fantastic talk! ThnkU
Hope you get some 😴
Thanks again.