1. This is a lie.
Being both a Dr AND a lawyer, Dr Lewis knows full well the power of words. Her sentence structure here was specifically chosen to create the false impression even one Liberal MP said "ALL Canadians (no exceptions) are racist."

The only party putting the concept of "(ALL) Canadians are racist" out into the universe is the CPC with its 24/7 Outrage Machine.
- To put those wanting to bring about meaningful change on the backfoot/the defensive.
- An attempt to drag the debate kicking and screaming back to the square 1 "Does #SystemicRacism even exist?" EVERY time. That guarantees no progress.
- An attempt to fill the airwaves and public agora with mindless discussion in which those on the left always have to first justify themselves to Conservatives as not accusing (ALL) Canadians of being racist.
Which is VERY ironic, because that's a variation on the #AllLivesMatter thing some do so that move the conversation away from talking about #BlackLives specifically
"All Lives Matter" : Systemic Racism Deniers : : " "They' are saying (ALL) Canadians are racist!!!" : The Conservative Party of Canada.
Sure it's a different turd.
But it smells just as bad.
Being a Dr and a Lawyer, Dr Lewis is surely familiar with fundamental research skills.
Did she forget to research this point? Did she research it, not like the info she found, and opted to misrepresent anyway?

I would be incredibly "impressed" if someone with a PhD AND Law Degree (and/or the team she put together) managed to not find this after an honest effort.

"our prime minister" [aside: is the non-capitalization of "Prime Minister" a subliminal reduction/signalling of utter contempt for the man? Only Dr Lewis knows]...
Knowing this, Dr Lewis then employs a "very clever" little trick.
That strikes me as "curious" behaviour from a lawyer.
It sets off alarms bells.
Is the only purpose of speaking about "indigenous communities" is to bash Trudeau, not help them?
One wonders...

However, the use of "real people" is VERY disturbing.
It begs the questions: Who are the "non-real people" in Canada? What makes them so?

If you HAVE to say this often that you're someone who is "real" and into "realness' -- if you need to make this big a show of it -- odds are you're fake as all get out.
If you are... it's obvious to everyone before you even say it.
Dr Lewis sounds good, but if you scratch the paint, she strikes me as QUITE the phony.
If you MUST lie this much to make a point... you don't have a point to make.
a) their policies (they're just gawdawful), and
b) their all anger/all lies/all character assassination ALL the time approach to public discourse...
This party is going nowhere.
It'll remain a mainly SK/AB regional rump.