What is '#Palestinianprivilege?
It's calling #Israel baby-killers while breaking and entering Israeli homes and murdering Israeli children.
Its rejecting Peace with Israel for centuries.
Its perpetual refugee statehood to extract money from the world.
Its perpetual victimhood. Its highjacking others cause to promote & justify the murder of Israelis.
Its blaming Israel while their own government is corrupt & cover the fact they have stolen billions of aid money.
Its paying terrorists with Israeli blood on their hands.
Its claiming murder of Israeli children is resistance.
Its mobilizing children to be used as human shields.
Its never taking responsibility .
Its raging 24/7, 365 days in a year about everything and anything connected to #Israel.
Its mobilizing UN facilities to hide weapons & rockets.
Its rejecting #Israel's right to self-defense against 'Palestinian' terror & handing out sweets when Israelis die.
Its mobilizing media to fabricate conflicts between '#Palestinians' & Israeli security forces.
Its educating generations upon generations to hate the Yahud/#Jew. '#Palestinians' is the biggest identity theft in the world.
Its being Arabs until 1964 and taking and accepting the 'Palestinian' identity to fight the #Jewish state.
Its glorifying the death culture and naming streets after murderers. It's talking about wanting peace but supporting terrorists.