-New images from @Maxar show the scale of destruction from the July 2 explosion at #Iran's Natanz nuclear site.
-Damage to the site underground elements are also possible.
-Some debris are distanced at up to 100m, via @AuroraIntel

-Could this be the location of the explosion in Natanz?
-Was this caused by a projectile?
-Was there only one impact point?
Image credit: @IntelliTimes

The only image of Natanz released by #Iran's state media after the explosion was photoshopped.
RGB code of the black area is #000000 (absolute darkness) which is very unlikely in such size & in a naturally taken image, especially in daylight.
Credit: @NarimanGharib

The more we learn, the more I believe Iran is desperate to hide the truth about what really happened in Natanz.