I'm the computer security industry's first full-time salaried #critic and I've >20yrs experience dealing with concerns like this.
I assembled a panel of three to judge the tweet...
One is a computer security #critic in their own right who long ago judged Vmyths' works at my request.
Another is a respected member of the #cybersecurity community who has not before judged my works.
The third is a longtime reader.
Each judged the tweet independently.
I told the complainant the panel's majority would "guide my action... I offered them no defense; the tweet must live or die on its own merits."
The complaint was that my tweet tied SANS to #racist police when in truth they've run a mature "LE" program for over a decade.
Each panelist rendered their initial thoughts. I then entered into separate Platonic dialogues with each.
Ultimately I asked: "Should I delete the tweet? Should I reply w/ apology or clarification?"
None of the three pressed me to delete it.
IN LONG: ...
One panelist wrote "it's a legit question to ask." I believe he referred to the original survey.
This harkens to my firm belief that "As a critic I do feel it's within my realm to ask hard philosophical questions; to pose the cringing surveys."
Another panelist responded "you didn't try to tie any org to #racism."
The tweet in question where I asked "Coincidence?" did not overstep bounds.
The third panelist observed "that is kind of brutal, but ... that same question has been posed to EVERY company supporting LEOs lately."
This, too, harkens to the nature of a #critic who approaches difficult topics & concepts--
--and who drinks hemlock from time to time.
Two panelists' comments hinged on #nuance. The tweet under review harbors none; neither does the survey it cites:
I therefore feel guided to issue neither a retraction nor clarification. The tweet stands.
AND THIS LEADS me to a related topic:
The continuing need for #criticism in the cybersecurity industry.
I started to #critique the antivirus industry when it formed in 1988. A decade later I was arguably THE most powerful voice in that global industry.
I first paneled a jury to review my works BEFORE "going pro" as Vmyths[.]com in 2000.
I also paneled juries to review ALL works at Vmyths[.]com. Its "Vea Culpa" persona meted out justice, from corrections to apologies to outright #censorship:
Vea Culpa as #censor:
Vea Culpa recalls #prediction:
In its day, Vmyths hired three other #critics who wrote with NO word counts; it provided an outlet for guests to critique the #antivirus industry; and it BANNED antivirus ads.
Vmyths ultimately collapsed, mostly due to:
💔 post-9/11 military duty
💔 death of my wife
Vmyths[.]com proved waaaaay ahead of its time.
Even today there is NO organization dedicated to independent, truthful #criticism of the multi-billion-dollar global cybersecurity industry.
Mind you: various independent groups critique the global film industry...
..and yet here I sit in my waning days of #retirement, revisiting what I did so many years ago:
I empaneled a jury to review a TWEET.
Because I believe in the IDEA of Vmyths.
Now, more than ever ... we need truthful, independent #criticism of the cybersecurity industry.
Dear Whoever Launches The Successor To Vmyths,
I've four words for you:
"#sarcasm, #burlesque, #irony, #satire."
These four words will make you revered AND reviled.
Please unroll so folks can read this thread as a web page, thanx!