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Jun 16th 2023
So, I'm quietly asked my opinion of @mikko's somewhat ... grandiose claims for artificial general intelligence (AGI) going forward. I invite my questioner to jump in with their own thoughts, but here's mine as cybersecurity's eldest #critic:
My short answer is "I'm okay with anyone making bold claims like this." There's simply no #fearmongering here. @mikko states the obvious and paints a future.

My longer answer centers on the fact @mikko wields a strong character in our industry...
...and it's the type of character I would wish on everyone.

I admit @mikko has a style few can muster. But his character? Every one of us can muster that if we wish!

Imagine a world where we all invite software makers to see their work from...…
Read 11 tweets
May 8th 2023
Over 100 #Wildfires Burn Across #Trudeau-#UNfriendly Province, #Alberta | May 7
- A reminder that an #election approaches in this province, and that Danielle #Smith, the relatively new premier, has been a major #critic of the Trudeau government.… Image
cc: @ BushelsPerAcre
I know, it’s just pure coincidence the province with 1.7 trillion barrels of #oil, with a premier who said they would get rid of the #carbontax, who said no to the fed #gun grab and who said no to the Fed interfering with resource devt
cc: @ WhiteCrkLumber
The forest #fires in #Alberta are serious, all the jibber jabber from the left blaming #Smith or the Forestry is just that, J-j. In Modern history never have so many fires started at all once so close to so many communities.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 20th 2022
Exactly, sir!

Let's talk a "Cybersecurity No Fly List."

Ostensibly, I placed a $500 bet with Marcus Hutchins at 2:1 w/ the payout going to charity because I'm half-confident many of you jumped to the wrong conclusion about BSides Cleveland.

Realistically, though...
...I placed the bet because I worry our industry will create a "Cybersecurity No Fly List" (CNFL).

We'll do it hastily. We won't think it out properly.

And then we'll have the equivalent of a U.S. "No Fly" list.

Our very own #doxx list for cybersecurity can...
...easily expand from a simple .xls of organizers / venues / speakers / attendees who ooze toxicity.

One day you look down and the CNFL says "ban anyone from Russia. Reason: CISA ThreatKB 202209110842 marked LEO-sensitive. Until: further notice."

The next day you...
Read 14 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
@taco_x86 @threadreaderapp Not yet.

Let me begin by recognizing that more than one person has yelled at me for RT'ing a debate re: cyber where I feel my followers should see both sides of the issue. Generally speaking: they don't want me to highlight our public conversation. I'm always like "WTFO?"
@taco_x86 "OG" readers like you know I view cyber from a similar perspective as #Doctrine_Man and #Mother_of_Tanks -- just two of many whom I've pissed off for QT'ing their tweets to reveal how insanely out-of-whack our industry's perception of #cyberwar really is.

Yet as a critic...
@taco_x86 ...I'm compelled to QT an abundant crop of tweets on crime & warfare to help us understand how cyber will fit into it.

I dare to ask philosophical questions, or to make what our industry would call a "valid" assumption, that makes no sense whatsoever to the person I'm QT'ing.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
@taco_x86 As a matter of fact I do! You're an "OG" CVMhp / Vmyths reader; you'll probably remember the column where I explained my Bacon Number to Roger Ebert is exactly 1:
@taco_x86 I continued conversing w/ Roger Ebert on CompuServe in the '80s & '90s. After his tirade re: "Highlander 2," I emailed him to explain how it broke the timeline for the sword Ramírez wielded. "Another reason to hate the movie," he replied! [paraphrased]…
@taco_x86 The original "CVMhp" website followed a ... loose interpretation of what it means to be a critic.

Things changed in 1999 when Denise's career took her to Iowa. "As a consolation, why don't you take CVMhp to a new level? Make it profitable."

As if I needed a consolation prize 😃
Read 10 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
A senior member of SANS acting *on his own* raised a concern over the tweet below.

I'm the computer security industry's first full-time salaried #critic and I've >20yrs experience dealing with concerns like this.

I assembled a panel of three to judge the tweet...
One is a computer security #critic in their own right who long ago judged Vmyths' works at my request.

Another is a respected member of the #cybersecurity community who has not before judged my works.

The third is a longtime reader.

Each judged the tweet independently.
I told the complainant the panel's majority would "guide my action... I offered them no defense; the tweet must live or die on its own merits."

The complaint was that my tweet tied SANS to #racist police when in truth they've run a mature "LE" program for over a decade.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
Let's talk cybersecurity.

1/6 Florida's official #COVID19 website has a problem: migrants who picked watermelon weeks ago racked up high numbers in central FL counties but have since returned to southern FL counties...
2/6 Migrants sent home w/ #COVID19 remain counted in central FL; their data doesn't "transfer" to another county.

And contrary to any PR statements, those migrants who later need hospitalization end up counted as having #COVID19 in *two* counties.

Let's be CLEAR, though:
3/6 Double-counting a case of #COVID19 only occurs when a patient (a) gets tested in one county and (b) seeks hospitalization in another county.

(Remember, we're talking about #cybersecurity!)

For example, Levy County FL cases look like this when it should be ~120 fewer: Image
Read 6 tweets

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