Like every business, Washington’s #NFL team had to consider existing #trademarks when #rebranding. According to this story, the new name is being held up by a trademark dispute (meaning someone likely holds the trademark in their industry already). . .…
The Washington #RedTails very well might the new name #Snyder and his #NFL are seeking, as someone in Virginia already holds a very similar #trademark
It appears Philip McCaulay has claimed each of these #trademarks as well as #Washington Monuments, Veterans, Renegades, and others as they relate to #football. @wapo@SportsCenter this may be who is holding up the name announcement
@consultwillh As I said at #BELL last week, every business has #IP and needs to protect it early. If this turns out to be the #trademark equivalent of #cybersquatting, let it be a cautionary tale to startups and small business to protect their brand.
He appears to have a history with #Washington’s NFL team, as the parties engaged in #TTAB proceedings in 2014 over the “Washington Original Americans” trademark
Like many #smallbiz attorneys and advocates, I’m spending most of tonight and tomorrow reading over the Democrats newly-released #COVID19#stimulus package. As I review, I’ll share some insights and discoveries. Stay tuned!
Twice this week, Sec. Mnuchin and @federalreserve Chair Powell have expressed the need for additional aid for #smallbiz, including a second disbrusement of #PPP loans — even suggesting targeted aid for restaurants, hotels, and other specific industries . . .
The next #COVID19 stimulus will likely have additional aid for #smallbiz, but with additional segmentation and requirements.
- Biz with less than 20 ppl
- Restaurants & Hotels (i.e. Sector72)
- #MinorityOwned & Rural Biz
Each will likely have a specific carve out in the bill . .
Specific to @federalreserve’s #MainStreetLending programs, we may see modifications on eligibility, personal guarantees, and lender requirements to help unclog this funding channel for #smallbiz and “larger” #SMBs . . .
Universities and colleges across the US should implement procedures immediately to allow international students to attend classes in person. Permit international students to attend class in person on campus on a limited basis to avoid #ICE’s “fully remote” deportation rule.
Professors may still teach remotely, and US students may still attend remotely, avoiding large student gatherings in response to #COVID. International student likely don’t need to attend every class in person, meaning in-person gatherings would still be less frequent.
Concurrently, a challenge to ICE’s rule under the #APA and related statute must be undertaken by interested parties to abolish this rule and protect these student populations.
The Forgiveness Application suggests that borrowers may be subject to changes in #PPP regulations issued after the borrower applied for the PPP loan.
According to the #Forgiveness application, “[t]he Borrower’s eligibility for loan forgiveness will be evaluated in accordance with the PPP regulations and guidance issued by SBA through the date of this application. . . .
On 5/13, #SBA provided some relief for #smallbiz concerned with possible SBA audits, particularly related to “economic need” certifications and the “good faith” safe harbor. But, #PPP loan recipients did not receive a full reprieve from all challenges.…
Despite the grace for “economic need” certifications, #SBA audits and post-hoc reviews still present significant risks for borrowers and even lenders, regardless of the #PPP loan amount.
Borrowers of less than $2 million should still prepare for potential #SBA audits and post-hoc reviews, particularly if they apply for #PPP loan #forgiveness. These reviews will likely require borrowers to substaniate size, #affiliations, #NAICS code, and even #creditworthiness.
@KamalaHarris@AyannaPressley the #SOSAct would be a phenomenal step for the smallest businesses across the US. Despite the issues in #PPP and #EIDL, you should consider giving #SBA the program to avoid duplicative efforts.
Treasury has been involved in #PPP from the beginning and likely steered much of the guidance. Treasury is not the solution. #SBA reviews size, affiliation, certifies HUBZones, certifies #Womenowned businesses for other federal programs already.
In 2018, Congress consolidated the review of #Veteranowned biz under #SBA b/c two agencies governed concurrent programs and discord resulted. Don’t make the same mistake here asking Treasury to administer a program concurrent to #SBA programs that requires the same analysis.