June 23: A Public Records Act request was submitted
Responses are below
To date: 14 responses have been received and are included in this thread
No responses have been received from Councilmembers @chrisjcate or @CD4Monica
Responses in this thread include text and image format from @CityofSanDiego website. It remains embargoed for public review until this request is resolved.

Department Assignment Public
Removed: City Attorney
July 15, 2020, 8:59am by Danielle Fawcett, Paralegal, Office of the City Attorney

On June 4, 2020, @SanDiegoPD officers were in the area of 1200 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101, at approximately 2120 hours and observed an assault on a police office [sic]...
Records of the investigative files are not being disclosed pursuant to Government Code section 6254(f),
July 7, 2020, 7:05am by Angela Laurita, Public Records Administration Manager (Staff)
External Message HideRequester + Staff
Hello Ms. Saldana,
We are in receipt of your CPRA #20-2662.
The San Diego Police Department has identified records that are responsive to your request....
July 6, 2020, 12:30pm by Lori Hernandez, Public Records Administration-Program Coordinator (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
The office of CD 9 has no responsive documents to this request.
July 6, 2020, 4:04pm by Brenda Lugo (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
ACTION: Removed: CD 9
July 6, 2020, 4:04pm by Brenda Lugo

External Message Requester + Staff
Council District 2 has no responsive documents.
June 24, 2020, 3:25pm by Carrie Munson (Staff)
Department AssignmentPublic
ACTION: Removed: City Council District 2.
June 24, 2020, 3:25pm by Carrie Munson

External Message Requester + Staff
Council District One has no responsive records.
June 25, 2020, 11:00am by Steven Hadley, Council Representative (Staff)

ACTION: Removed: City Council District 1.
June 25, 2020, 11:01am by Steven Hadley, Council Representative
External Message Requester + Staff
Council District 7 has no responsive records.
June 25, 2020, 5:10pm by Lisa Scott (Staff)
Department AssignmentPublic
ACTION: Removed: City Council District 7.
June 25, 2020, 5:10pm by Lisa Scott

External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The Civil Division of the City Attorney’s Office has no responsive records. The Criminal Division of the City Attorney’s Office will continue in its search for responsive records...

July 1, 2020, 9:25am by Danielle Fawcett, Paralegal, Office of the City Attorney (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Due to unusual circumstances caused by the COVID-19 state of emergency, reductions in staff, and vital work priorities pursuant to the Governor’s March 19, 2020 Executive Order N-33-20...

Staff who would usually search for and review records may be reassigned to assist with the COVID-19 response and/or...
It has been determined that criminal division does have responsive records to your request...
We will use our best efforts to timely process your request and determine whether any other applicable exemptions under the California Public Records Act apply, and..
July 2, 2020, 9:27am by Jonathan Lapin (Staff)
External MessageRequester + Staff
District 3 has no responsive records. Thank you
July 2, 2020, 2:20pm by Tyler Burch (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
ACTION: Removed: City Council District 3.
July 2, 2020, 2:20pm by Tyler Burch

External MessageRequester + Staff
The District 5 Office has no responsive records.
July 2, 2020, 3:42pm by Heidi Palmer, Director of Office Administration (Staff)
ACTION: Removed: City Council District 5.
July 2, 2020, 3:43pm by Heidi Palmer, Director of Office Administration
City Council members @chrisjcate and @CD4Monica re:any records in their offices
@SanDiegoPD report
@SDMayorsOffice response
Reminder again of what happened that night: