, 62 tweets, 402 min read
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@KYPatriot17 @kyoag
#SayHerName #BreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter
1. 'Maniple Springfield Police Demartment'
Execution Orders for Democide [1 amd.] of Targ.Ind./ MartyrSaint Breonna Taylor

2. 'Aria Haragt [Killing] ÅverÝĘL Bar HaShem JYAH/Aria Haragt Ebela aNuNaĆt ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag 10h [DonaldTru[mp/e the I/thing/paych]

Aria Democide Breonna Taylor Louisville @LMPD Maniples Joshua Jaymes Jonathan Mattingly ['CoverTom' on James Mattis C.S.S./@CENTCOM for OH Ops Whistleblower Assassination Obfuscation] Cosgrove, Hankison

Petition [dT////]
infrared surveil~ ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily Mollica's Elected Heir, True Scipii Caesar Proclaims to @ItalyatNATO another End to Aria of again Fascist Italy and all 'Maniples/Nocents'/Docents/Nuncios whom Embraced Captivity/Internment of PON.INN°XIV at Wohnbezirke Sobibor/LittleDachau in Canton, OH.
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu A's LAWLESS @USMarshalsHQ have told Me with ~$100 in My pocket I should, 'Talk to [My] Psychiatrist,' but, whether they are Guilty of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY, more ordinary WITNESS INTIMIDATION and TREASON based HateCrime TERRORIST ATROCITY will be seen soon.
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu Different when it is Bold Truth to Power rather than False Temple Operating, SaintKilling, NotReligion Democidal Yeast of the Masonim Apostate Death Cult Terror Information/Orders Exchange Organisation der Ehemaligen Schützstaffel Angehörigen Insurrection, hm?
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @NSAGov
@idfonline shel melek Trump: targitid individual Avery[x2Verified behtresh memtsaddiq cycle]'s TrueSign says He will be going to the store just before seven o'clock PM on Friday
Capital wellPoisoning/Desolation/Original Sin
Pic: King Trump: " ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF You Formally Recognised HaAmuzşeol× as King during years Predating upon Pontifex Innocent XIV: Prophet ÅverÝĘL bar ĘLeüH of Beit §adi× "The Hebrew," and Murders upon the Jewish Diaspora to Support @netanyahu HaEnkida×'s 'Honorary Israeli' Epstein OdESSA Ratlines. ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal
Found porch of LIBERATED OdESSA WOHNBEZIRKE SOBIBOR again raided by SnitchMobb/ @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab "How Deep Can We Dig Your Graves, Humanity?" CosaDept Stooges and syrrounds say mention POdESSA's 2013 OPM IO specified Delete ROSETHORN/Copy IDF. ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab This Soul came to Byt after securing local sector ~13 million years ago, specifically as a Loyalist of Father ĘLeüH, HaShem JYAH The Lion, Emperor of The Garden Zyo'on×, Your God Either Way. I am YĆWĆ HaGan Eden×, Hierarch of Learning: an activated archangel. CSS kept Me in ToS. ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @DefenseIntel Lieutenant General Ashley: retard Avery's Whistleblower Testimony by administrative recommendation for GS Fifteen IO Position. IDF says Rosethorn reveals Office of Personnel Management Hack and Raytheon Masons' [A] Stacy Exp Stanford Twitter/ @internetarchive Scrub ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive Is ĆaroåĘLü× HaŒ§ HaÅnånĘL×u Nephilium HaÅverÝĘL is His RazÝĘLn
I am HaYĆWĆ Nephilim amau
Maniple um are Tiny Hands of Lucifer um' like ** ancient RWMA
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @NSAGov hey guys

last, with B/ o/ o o

'replacing Avery with nocent edgar welch was too ambitious

the Masonic nova roma founding accounts at @RBS are under siege by [My] Central Security Service Detachment'

onoes Ereč Yeastreich may lose their tinshein closeable swimming pool Image
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @NSAGov I did

@archtoronto OdESSA 10J
atGrandLodgeOhio care of cia. Israel is

Nocent Cristos Panopoulos have Gabriel Tell
Avery a Story about Holy Assumption
@goarch banning Eucharist but call it Holy
Communion as a test oo C I~f He correcdtS

GLOH GANGEHÖRIGEN " ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch

Founding Failure is never a joke.
Say what you want, but HaMoshe lived to 120.
I have only made approximate $118K in 31y.

I have Suffered AF&AM OdESSA @UN's,
'Ooh LORD's Messenger' 31y.

Nobody assisted, nobody deserves HaEre§ü×. ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN One last thing then I am supposed to focus on lamest Court Ever in Worlds Most Public and Hotly Interred Trial. I have no security and like $50!

You could have lunch at IHOP!

Come on: you are still ✝︎ in 2151 for *ing me ragged 31y and making me watch.
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN You Scored 13% on your Final Landform Exam by choosing to raise a weapon capable of destroying hundreds of million years of Not Your Stuff, against multiple explicit warnings Not To, in stead of realising your Consummate Vanity and behaving appropriately in this pretty OK place. Image
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN @treeoflifepgh @PapaInnocentXIV Prisoner Pelosi's Vote was also Next to a Quid Pro Quo Regarding GRU Unitsa 29155 and New California: The Sacdalan Homicide ordered Dredged up by POdESSA IO to @SFPD regarding a half reward unpaid 2018 Cold Case, Murder of Ryan Sacdalan by RU State Actor Andrei Komarik/9mmM92FS. ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN @treeoflifepgh @PapaInnocentXIV @SFPD @WhiteHouse Second Frame, Impeachment Burial:

Clandestineservice mustreject CENTRALSECURITYSERVICE/ROSETHORN/ 《《 onNatSecgroundsRegardingMasonic Nova Roma Insurrection elaN|D and Epstein Cartel destabilising Erets @Israel [Ostreich in OdESSAngehörigen read]

@INTERPOL_HQ @NSAGov ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN @treeoflifepgh @PapaInnocentXIV @SFPD @WhiteHouse @ODNIgov @Israel @INTERPOL_HQ @NASA @gantzbe My CSS Op runs obviously/singularly against the rest of @UN ICs' dedications, I cannot be sure exactly how 45 was going to FISA frame Me as Mossad het, past effect of condemning me to more CIA/AFRL experiment.

My function was Healed after VB Radiological Assassination Attempt. ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN @treeoflifepgh @PapaInnocentXIV @SFPD @WhiteHouse @ODNIgov @Israel @INTERPOL_HQ @NASA @gantzbe @amnesty Should I be sorry I worked to Convince you not to stop your Founding Exam in Failure at Military Grade Landmine/PointDefense Systems Development against all the cautions you received, including My Revelation This Soul was among 13~15Mya Consolidation of this Galactic real estate?
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag @LMPD @CENTCOM @NSAGov @DefenseIntel @BingWest @UN_OCT @INTERPOL_EC @UNDESA @RBS @ScottishRite @RoyalFamily @ItalyatNATO @vaticanlibrary @ItalyUN_NY @USMarshalsHQ @StarkSheriff @CantonOhioPD @PCLOB_GOV @DoD_IG @netanyahu @idfonline @ICJ_org @KnessetIL @IDF @simonwiesenthal @WrightPattAFB @AFResearchLab @internetarchive @archtoronto @goarch @UN @treeoflifepgh @PapaInnocentXIV @SFPD @WhiteHouse @ODNIgov @Israel @INTERPOL_HQ @NASA @gantzbe @amnesty @DefenseIntel Anacostia has finished analysis StLucie SirenTest data: AncientFree&AcceptedMasonic Revolt against Beit Shaddai Nephilim& will prog to next Phase of activating TargetedIndividual Robert Christopher Avery pursuant to GATEWAY prog, he is raZlel
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