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Jul 17th 2020
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag
#SayHerName #BreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter
1. 'Maniple Springfield Police Demartment'
Execution Orders for Democide [1 amd.] of Targ.Ind./ MartyrSaint Breonna Taylor

2. 'Aria Haragt [Killing] ÅverÝĘL Bar HaShem JYAH/Aria Haragt Ebela aNuNaĆt ImageImageImageImage
@KYPatriot17 @kyoag 10h [DonaldTru[mp/e the I/thing/paych]

Aria Democide Breonna Taylor Louisville @LMPD Maniples Joshua Jaymes Jonathan Mattingly ['CoverTom' on James Mattis C.S.S./@CENTCOM for OH Ops Whistleblower Assassination Obfuscation] Cosgrove, Hankison

Petition [dT////]
infrared surveil~ ImageImageImageImage
Read 62 tweets
Jun 20th 2020
Protestors just took down the only confederate statue in DC, of Albert Pike. History on Juneteenth. #DCProtest #BlackLivesMatter
Albert Pike is burning #DCProtest #Juneteenth #BlackLivesMatter
Read 9 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
Have you ever listened to a black woman in America explain what the Movement for Black Liberation is all about? Be honest! Have you? Here's your opportunity. Presented by me, Mr. #ProfessionalVirtueSignaler Part 1/?
Part 2
Part 3 w/ Dominique Hazzard w/ @BlackYouthProj
Read 14 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
What the news doesn’t show from the #BlackLivesMatterDC #DCProtests: all the people generously giving out water and snacks, spraying hand sanitizer, and collecting trash. Regular people doing more than the government is. ImageImageImageImage
Btw notice the preponderance of mask wearing! DC is taking #COVID19 seriously.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Protests in Washington, D.C. this weekend were mostly calm during the day where moments of silence, marching, kneeling & speeches on police reform, race and inequality dominated.

But at night, a far different contingent emerged.

A thread of what @JackRodgersCNS & I witnessed: Image
What I witnessed regularly were moments like this one where a protestor would get close to the line, loudly yell, curse or gesticulate but mostly, ask police how they justify behavior that gets people like George Floyd killed.

(Photos by me unless otherwise indicated) Image
It was moments like this that I saw repeatedly.

And for perspective: there were literally thousands more instances of this below in the streets of Washington, D.C. this weekend than there were burning trashcans or shattered windows. Image
Read 192 tweets

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