A Republican response to being labeled the Party of the Negro
Despite black support, the Republican party increased efforts to recover white votes through a "lily white" movement.

Imagine walking into the corridors of White Supremacy; like an African King reclaiming your fucking crown 👑?
If you can grasp this ...
Tnen you'll better understand who Mr. John Langston Mercer was.
Black Excellence on Fucking Fire🔥!
John Mercer Langston, a graduate of Oberlin College and Oberlin resident for 15 years, was a black leader of conviction and influence, a visionary reformer, and an accomplished statesman and lawyer.

For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Langston Hughes
#VIRGINIA: The Lily White Republican Movement vs. Black Virginia Conservatism
A White Virginian Republican response to being labeled the Party of the Negro

Dear Sir,
“To push the colored man forward when the Democratic party is disrupted and so many leaders and many of the rank and file ...

Source: www2.vcdh.virginia.edu/afam/politics/…

Think #BernieBros vs Biden.
#Bernie vs African American Southern voters is one example.
The divide over Joe Biden between Black Democrats and #BernieBros might be much deeper but certainly has a conservative feel and angle: African Americans are leaning toward the tried and tested vs. the untried and potentially risky.
BEFORE the New Deal.

In his first weeks in office, President Coolidge made two moves that suggested to all observers he was planning an aggressive run for the 1924 nomination. "The first important act of Dr. Coolidge,
We have a clue.
The Newly Arrived White Immigrants from Europe.
— James P. Newcom

Mr- James Pearson Newcomb.
He was a journalist and the Secretary of State of Texas.
"Appointed by Governor Edmund J. Davis" -- he was also the leader of Texas's Lily White Movement.
His goal: Wage a race war on Black Republicanism.

In South America.
And, that's a very, very, good thing for Black Conservatism: we can hunt globally for footprints left behind ....
(A Redenção de Cam)
The painting depicts a black grandmother, mulatta mother, white father and their #quadroonchild, hence three generations of racial hypergamy through whitening.