A lot of the male bias are not Intentional,sometimes it is inherent as mindsets,historical trends & many a times simply because the #MensWorld forget to factor women.
#GenderEquality will start with collecting & analysing data about women. #tweet4bharat

Data is fundamental to #DigitalIndia we are dependent on data to make critical decisions & allocate resources for economic development,health care,education, & public policy.
#GenderEquality can be easily brought through #Technology

When you get an over-the-counter medication, it doesn’t tell you male and female doses — it says “child” and “adult,” and that adult is a man. It’s Reference Man.
#genderequity bias starts with, person=human=man
#Tweet4Bharat @iidlpgp

Female Drivers are 2 times more safer than Male drivers. In EU, only in 1/5 regulatory tests female dummy is used that too in the passenger seat.
#GenderEquality needs sex-disaggregated data.

Heart medicines meant to prevent heart attacks, practically on a certain point in a woman’s menstrual cycle is actually more likely to trigger a heart attack.This is because the drug was never tested on women.

A women takes 2.3 times more time in the toilet than Men.
Faulty design is because women have been #Invisible everywhere, #women have you ever felt cold in corporate offices, this is why

#SteveJobs the tech guru created a “comprehensive” health tracker app in the iPhone that can’t track a woman’s periods.And yes! Apple doesn’t hate periods-I believe that Apple forgot periods exist.

Women have entered every field now but unfortunately the #genderdatagap and its default male origins have been disadvantaging women for millennia

Let’s talk about Indian statistics, even with the coverage of #swachhtapakhwada2020
Household toilets increased but #GenderEquality will be drawn by right data & this is the data for #communitytoilet

In #COVID__19 times, when education in majorly online- Do we know how many girls and women have access to smart devices ?
This is what creates disparity.
The lack of knowledge.

With #JanDhanYojana 77 million women were added in the financial system making inclusion 61% yet the talk of #GenderEquality is far from reality.
Policy like tech is #GenderNeutral unfortunately those who implement or make aren’t.