This video is from Zone 14.
@chennaicorp has appointed a Divisional Health Officer to each Division ( Ward) of Chennai.
Each DHO conducts 2 #FeverCamps on a daily basis along with monitoring other Corona Prevention activities in the Division.

They take part in the morning gate meeting and the afternoon debriefing meeting and also follow up the health status of home patients on home isolation.

All #Covid19 patients are shifted to a Triaging centre .
While patients can also opt for private hospitals, a free triaging facility is run by the Nodal Hospital in association with @chennaicorp in the zones.
(Pic in earlier tweet)
In case the medical team feels that the patient need to undergo treatment at a hospital instead of home isolation he is sent to the Hospital.
A Community intervention program with the help of 92 NGO's is being implemented in informal settlements and economically weak areas.
Awareness and IEC activities on #WearAMask and #Fevercamps are conducted on regular basis.
Along with that, weekly cultural or IEC activities are also done by NGO's in hotspot areas.
15 IAS officers & police officers are coordinating the prevention activities along with zonal and regional team.
South Region
Zone 11 - @prabhusean7
Zone 12 - Nirmal Raj IAS
Zone 13 - Chandrakala JU
Zone 14 - Amudavalli IAS
Zone 15 - @Vish_speaks

But we need to follow the basic principles of SMS - Soap, Mask and Social Distancing to sustain the good results. @chennaicorp