Protesters marching in Beirut after last week’s devastating explosion have turned their sights on Iran-backed Hezbollah.
Even in Hezbollah’s bedrock Shiite community, from south Beirut to Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, dissent is surfacing.…
Hezbollah’s chief—who wept openly for the death of Qassem Soleimani, killed in a U.S. drone strike in January—didn’t publicly display such emotion over the carnage caused by last week’s blast.
Recent demonstrations have featured chants denouncing Iran-backed Hezbollah as a terrorist movement. Some protesters strung up effigies of Nasrallah with his neck in a noose.…
Protesters have been calling for the ouster of the entire political class, not only a cabinet that took office in January.
And increasingly they see Hezbollah as an integral part of the dysfunction.
Beirut locals have been very clear in their demonstrations:
"Beirut, free, free! Iran, out, out!"
"Terrorist! Terrorist! Hezbollah, terrorist!"
In a bid to weaken Iran’s influence in Lebanon, the US has pushed for Hezbollah’s disarmament and tightened economic sanctions on its officials.
This is US Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale visiting Beirut.
Listen to the crowd.
U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale said the FBI would join a probe into the Beirut blast.
Hale called for an end to “dysfunctional governments and empty promises”.…

Iran’s regime is very familiar with David Hale.
January 14, 2019
"... we will expel from Syria every last Iranian boot..." said U.S. Under Secretary for Political Affairs David Hale.…
France & the U.S. are collaborating to control Lebanese borders passages to prevent Hezbollah from receiving weapons from Iran, via @AlHadath.

Many Lebanese critics assume Hezbollah was aware of the stockpile since its members are so deeply entrenched in the country’s security apparatus.
This is one issue the FBI will be further investigating.
#Lebanon's leaders were warned back in July about explosives at #Beirut’s port, according to Reuters.
So why didn’t the Prime Minister & President take any action?
Could it have anything to do with #Iran & Hezbollah?…
“There was a danger that this material, if stolen, could be used in a terrorist attack,” the official told Reuters. The prime minister’s office and the presidency did not respond to requests for comment about the July 20 letter.
"The primary suspect is Hezbollah, more than anyone else in the world, because Hezbollah uses ports & all other Lebanese government facilities in order to acquire weapons."
“A number of customs and port officials have since been detained as part of the investigation into the blast,” according to Reuters.
Considering Iran & Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanon’s security forces, I believe these officials were arrested to be silenced.
Reminder: Confirmation of the site being a weapons depot.
Al Arabiya: "Initial information: The explosion occurred in a Hezbollah arms store in Beirut Port."
Now, remember how Reuters cited Lebanese President Michel Aoun saying he has no authority over Beirut’s port?
Subhi al-Tufayli, Hezbollah’s first secretary-general, has interesting remarks about the terrorist groups influence in Lebanon.
“There was a danger that this material, if stolen, could be used in a terrorist attack.”
From here the Reuters report drifts off to a scenario of repair workers’ welding causing a fire. I don’t buy it. I believe even Reuters could be involved in a major cover up.
Even Reuters still has questions:
Many questions remain over why the shipment of ammonium nitrate docked in Beirut in late 2013. Even more baffling is why such a huge stash of dangerous material, used in bombs and fertilisers, was allowed to remain there for so long.
Italian explosives expert @CoppeDanilo believes an ammo/explosives depot in #Beirut was the epicenter of the massive August 4 blast. The resulting orange cloud further confirms the existence of such a stock at the port.…
“I don't think there was that amount of ammonium nitrate [2,750 tons] in the port of Beirut, or that there was a fireworks depot. Judging from the videos, it seems more like an explosion of an armament warehouse,” Coppe explains.
From those photos it seems that it was far less Nitroprill in the warehouse than 2,750 tons. Conditions are typical for bag/bulk material storages in many places in the world. Wouldn't be surprised that for 6-7 years there, large quantity disappeared (stolen).
Coppe—“The warehouse was over 100 meters long. It is not impossible that it contained those quantities & some docs seem to prove that the material was there for years. There should have been a catalyst; or else it wouldn't all have exploded together."
“Instead from the explosion videos, in addition to the white sphere that is seen to widen, which is condensation of the air by the sea, you can clearly see a brick orange column tending to dark red, typical of the participation of lithium,” Coppe adds.
“… lithium-metal is the propellant for military missiles. I think there were armaments there,” Coppe adds.
From “High power lithium technology for the military”…

Coppe: “Between the 1st & 2nd blasts, what appears to be fireworks are seen to crackle. Fireworks don't behave like that. They have some explosives & the rest is cardboard/plastic. Upon explosion, they are preceded by whistles, absent in the videos.”
Coppe: “Ammo makes barrels all the same, like those seen before the great blast. I think there was a 1st blast, which may have started a fire where ammo was stored, which then spread to high explosive contained in rockets or missiles.”
Al-Hadeth News Says MASSIVE Beirut Explosion Was Warehouse for Iranian Missiles to Hezbollah…
What is "a labyrinth of subterranean chambers" doing at the Beirut explosion site?
Important reminder from September 27, 2018
Nearly two years ago @IDF had exposed a joint Iran/Hezbollah missile project in Beirut.
October 2018
“Hezbollah’s Urban Missile Factories Put Civilians at Risk”…
Important reminder from 2016
Hassan Nasrallah, head of Iran-backed Hezbollah:
"A missile strike on the ammonia tanks in Haifa would have the impact of a nuclear bomb."
Former Lebanese justice minister Ashraf Rifi:
Iran-backed Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that assassinated former prime minister Rafiq Hariri; Beirut blast investigator must be protected from Hezbollah.
And we should never forget #Iran’s role in all this.
Hezbollah chief: "As long as Iran has money, we have money"
The rebuilding of Beirut alone is expected to cost up to $15 billion, in a country already effectively bankrupt with total banking system losses exceeding $100 billion.
The virus plaguing Lebanon is none other than Hezbollah, established by Iran's regime back in 1982.
Hassan Nasrallah & the mullahs have brought nothing but death & destruction to Beirut & this beautiful country.
Time to evict Hezbollah from Lebanon.
This image of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah & Lebanese President Michel Aoun is being widely shared on social media. Knowing both are linked to #Iran's regime, many are demanding Aoun's resignation, too.