July 2 2017: An "Impeachment Rally" at the County Admin Bldg. is disrupted by #ProudBoys as @SDSheriff Deputies stand back and watch, doing nothing to separate people

Response: it's not an "economic enterprise" so it's not considered "gang related."
Meanwhile: A group called "Bordertown Patriots" uses variation of @SDSheriff HQ address as their own

Complaint re:#ProudBoys filed with CLERB: Case 17-056. Witnesses at hearing note protesters are at increased risks of violence from #ProudBoys & others
Aug. 27: Proud Boys travel to Berkeley, are arrested for disorderly conduct

A Black man crossing the street is beaten, arrested and later dies in custody latimes.com/local/lanow/la…

#ProudBoys w/US flags clash w/counter protesters as @SDSheriff deputies again stand by and observe
Sheriff #BillGore issues media statement: "There were no injuries."
Another CLERB complaint filed

Their findings are here: sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sd…
See excerpts below.

Also: CLERB failed to complete investigations into several deaths in County jails, not for lack of merit, but due to lack of staff and/or ability to complete reviews in the required time