Over the past year has Dean #Henderson staked a realistic claim to be #ManchesterUnited’s number 1 #Goalkeeper ahead of David #DeGea?
I will mainly investigate an area of GKing that receives little statistical analysis:
Cross Claiming & Sweeping
#MUFC #GKUnion

Here are the numbers:
#Henderson Save%-ExSave +5.88%
#DeGea Save%-ExSave% +0.78%
2 important conclusions should be drawn from these numbers...

2. #DeGea has only once (17/18) had a better shot stopping season in his career (according to PSExG) than #Henderson had this year.

Both #DeGea & #Henderson have a similar claim success rate however #Henderson is far more active claiming 0.6 pressurised crosses more per 90 which over a season corresponds to preventing an additional ~4 goals!

Again #Henderson is a far more active sweeper & sweeps 0.3 pressurised throughballs more per 90.
Over a season this would correspond to preventing an additional ~2 goals!

#Henderson comfortably outperformed #DeGea in shotstopping, cross claiming, & sweeping making his claim to be number 1 strong.
However, it must be noted that #Henderson has only performed at this level for one season so his ability to repeat such form is unknown.

My personal opinion is that #MUFC should loan #Henderson out to see if he can do it for another year before ousting #DeGea.
I can also elaborate on any of the metrics & data quoted in this thread if people are interested.