Websites like @WhoScored & @Squawka regularly compare goalkeepers using pass completion.
#FIFAWorldCup2018 #Goalkeeping #Distribution

However, if you think about it it feels like there should be many factors which effect pass competition which have nothing to do with a GKs distributive ability.

I know there are 3 main passing techniques:
Sidefoot for under 20 yards
Clip for 20-50 yards
Strike/Drive for over 50 yards
Therefore I hypothesised that these bins would be more informative than the @OptaJoe’s bins.
• The pass is completed
• At some point after completion the GKs team has possession under no direct pressure
It also penalises bad decision making as players who regularly play into pressure poorly will not make as many successful passes
Watch a game & apply the rule & see it yourself
1. @kschmeichel1 26/90 successful
2. #Akinfeev 23/94 successful
3. @JPickford1 15/66 successful
👑👑👑 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 they consistently made useful passes over 50+ yards more than anyone else!
1. @rpatricio1_ 14/17 successful
2. @MatyRyan 15/21 successful
3. @NavasKeylor 9/12 successful
👑👑👑👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Patricio, Ryan, & Navas showed incredible consistency with their midrange clips top GKing!
1. @JPickford1 9/9 successful
2. @Alissonbecker 7/7 successful
3. @thibautcourtois 6/6 successful
👑👑👑👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #Liverpool is clearly a breeding ground for top footwork under pressure!

• Pass completion is an awful metric for GKs & only tells you the teams style of play.
• Passes should be binned into 3 distance bins + pressure bins to remove some of the bias.
• Using pass success rather than completion filters out unhelpful passes
I feel there is one more key variable which defines how useful/difficult a pass is, and that is the number of players played through. After watching countless games I believe it is possible to make a robust GK distribution model.
If you have any questions or are interested in a particular goalkeeper’s performance at the #FIFAWorldCup2018 just let me know!